AirQ visualizes near real-time data and historical data of concentration on particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM 2.5) in diameter in the air. The portal allows users to spot global...
2020 forced many of us into survival mode (think empty toilet paper shelves), and heightened our awareness of how vulnerable we actually are to securing basic necessities. This map documents all of...
In the last years, the way people communicate has radically transformed: thanks to digital technologies, and in particular online platforms, new relational possibilities have opened up, together...
The history of oil prices and consumption, explained. To understand the modern era, you need to understand our weird relationship with oil - from the crises of the 1970s, to the oil glut of the 80s...
An interactive data visualization project that presents 16 post-communist prime ministers of Romania and the main indicators that defined their mandate, along with Parliament seat distribution by...
How far do people migrate between childhood and young adulthood? Where do they go? How much does one’s location during childhood determine the labor markets that one is exposed to in young...
An exploration of related principles in traditional arts and data visualization. I created this for 2022's Iron Viz competition for Tableau, and used public data from, MetOpera Database,...
A series of maps showing counties in the US that have more livestock than residents. The main map shows counties that have more cows, pigs, and/or chickens than residents, using a fun Venn diagram...
Imagine escaping home and embarking on a dangerous sea voyage to find refuge, only to realise that another nightmare has just begun. This is the reality for Rohingya refugees who flee from Myanmar...
This generative animation titled Perspective shows how many people in Singapore have experienced mental health issues in their life. Twenty silhouetted characters walk past the screen randomly, and...
The Sankey-bump chart visualises the global agricultural land use by regions and consequently the increasing impact of us humans reflecting the rising population figures over the last decades and...
Using data from water sampling tests conducted by volunteers and members of Estuario, a conservation non-profit in Puerto Rico. Metrics assessed include bacteria levels, chemical compositions and...
The Sherlock Holmes collection of books, created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, are some of the greatest mystery novels that have ever been written. Edgar Allen Poe may have invented the...
The Atlas is the result of a semester's work by students of the Communication Design Lab at the Iuav University of Venice in an experimental collaboration with the Department for Digital...
"Spain lives in flats" is an innovative and interactive journalistic project by that analyzes the footprint of more than 12 million buildings to map the height of Spanish cities in 3D...
'Self-portrait' is a digital print series created by a generative drawing system using p5j.js. The series explores the responses of members of my audience to a description of their personal...
C-SPAN sponsors an annual survey of historians, professors, and other “professional observers of the presidency” in order to rate and rank the presidents. “Rating the Presidents” visualizes that...
Ein Ratgeber-Haushaltsbuch zum Thema Wäschepflege. Es geht darum, zu besserer Wäschepflege zu motivieren, Genderrollen in der Waschküche aufzulösen, auf die Wertschätzung von Kleidung aufmerksam zu...
w̶o̶n̶d̶e̶r̶ is a physical installation where a visualization is projected over a bowl of water. The visualization animates through four years of my photos, with each dot representing a photo...
The spells of Dungeons & Dragons are fictional magic spells used in the settings of the role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). The casting of spells within Dungeons & Dragons...
‘See how global warming has changed the world since your childhood’ sets out to shift people's understanding of climate change from an abstract future problem to something that is deeply personal...
Research has shown that our personality can affect our income and the jobs we are suitable for. Enter your personality type to see how your personality is affecting your finances.
Understanding how vitals bees are to our food and crops and how their absence would effect the food we eat. Bees are suffering swarm deaths due to use of chemical pesticides and other farming...
My bachelor thesis on "The Economics of Space" is a pocket guide on commodities and profitability of satellites and spacecrafts.
My enthusiasm for innovative and emerging future topics brought me...
For Christmas 2019, I made a postcard with a personalized graphic in which I showed all the friends and family and the distance that separates us through lines. Each postcard was personalized...
Mangrove forests are one of the most productive marine ecosystems in tropical and subtropical coastal areas. They have the characteristics of both terrestrial and marine ecosystems and are also...
For this collaboration with the International Detention Coalition, we have been asked, following the IDC brand guidelines, to design a few visualisations adequate for both print and digital...
I took the gps positions of vehicles from a small route here in Toronto and graphed them as dots progressing around a circle instead of dots on a map. Then I change the radius of the circle to...
Onboarding is the process of introducing newly hired employees to our organization's expectations, behaviours, and culture. COVID-19 has permanently altered how we work, and consequently, it has...