Think of all the things you observe during the day. How much time do you take to actually stop and notice them? There is so much data in our environments, sometimes it just takes a moment of pause...
During the confinement in Spain, between March and May, 53 consecutive days, we produced a daily visual column that was published in Diario de Navarra, the leading newspaper in the community. It...
An interactive SciArt installation which explores an idea of the plasticity of DNA of individual organisms, genes eco-responsivity, and a new sensitivity to and importance of the personal data...
The NDA sent us the research data in a large Excel spreadsheet with a dozen tabs for different products. In addition, we received the survey results of the target group — another 15 pages of...
InfoTrust Summer Shred Challenge 2022 is an annual company-wide initiative to encourage everyone to be active during the summer season. The challenge ran between June 21, 2022 until September 22,...
Every year Novartis, Roche and about 60 other pharmaceutical companies pay a lot of money to doctors and hospitals. Now imagine that this world of pharma money was a universe: what would it look...
The social media landscape is much broader than one might imagine. Behind the big giants, there are hundreds of social media that like to declare themselves alternative by offering an option to...
Communities of color are disproportionately affected by factors that undermine opportunities for social and economic advancement. One of the most basic requirements to sustain a livelihood is...
This dataviz is aimed to classify the 26 copies from the missing original 'Beatus' over 4 CE. Please take time to think this over: our most valuable treasure (not just my opinion but lots of...
Since the outbreak of the corona pandemic, sharing reliable information has become one of the most important functions of governments. The Dutch government found it essential to have a single...
A data-driven portrait of UAE’s milestones, population, and GDP over 50 years.
Data is powerful. When used correctly, it can tell an even more powerful story. Using 379 data points i.e. 50 years...
The streamgraphs show the appearance of the most common X-Men characters (Wovlerine, Magneto, Nightcrawler, Storm & Gambit) during the so-called "Claremont Run".
Chris Claremont is a famous...
In the age of image socialisation, images are one of the main ways we perceive our surroundings and communicate with people. Digital filters have emerged and changed, allowing people to present...
The theory of multiple intelligences differentiates human intelligence into specific "modalities". This theory, developed by Howard Gardner and commonly utilized in education, does not specifically...
Epigenetics is a field of research that examines molecular changes in the genome that are influenced by external factors such as nutrition or stress. The latest research results offer great...
How much CO2 is emitted by producing wheat versus beef burgers, or by taking a transatlantic flight, or by different countries each year, or by the global shipping industry?
The media throws...
Confusion Matrix:
a short video capturing a few scenarios, as a demo.
Implementation: Excel (without VBA code)
Music by HookSounds
Beta version available on site:
Demographic and market trends exacerbated by COVID-19’s impact on the workforce converged to worsen labor shortages, presenting important challenges for business and public policy leaders as the...
New variants of SARS-CoV-2 are rapidly spreading through the U.S. These coronavirus variants are being studied because they may be more transmissible, cause more severe disease, or reduce the...
Shows the percentage of people who believe that childhood has improved.
Created a butterfly chart having two age categories 15-24 years and 40+ years of people showing percentage of people who...
The character relationship map of A Dream of Red Mansions is based on the first 80 chapters written by the original author Cao Xueqin, and uses the method of text visualization to translate the...
In 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at THE UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, he proposed "Let the seed of peace take root and grow in the hearts of people all over the...
The visualization was created using Tableau software, and some design elements were created with Figma. The stream graph represents Cannabis related exposures reported to US Poison Centers from...
With the decision for the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade looming back in early May 2022, Insider produced a package of stories focused on the 13 “trigger law” states. These states had...
«As the average duration of a match, the human attention span is around 8 seconds, nowadays. Could you imagine that the goldfish's one is a second longer than it? WARNING! This data represents an...
Visualizing 3iap timesheets for 10 dataviz client projects. How much time goes into researching, data-wrangling, designing, and building different types of data visualizations?
Every client...
My Plastic Footprint is a physical data visualisation project.
It began in an attempt to understand my own plastic use. For one year, I kept and recorded every piece of plastic I would normally...
The map of nesting biogeography is based almost exclusively on nesting data that were provided by members of the
WIDECAST network to create the Atlas of Sea Turtle Nesting Habitat for the Wider...
Affected by the ongoing conflict in Israel and Palestine, I tried here to produce a non-polarising graphic that highlighted the human losses. To depict the potential and innocence of Palestinian...