For their ten year anniversary issue, WIRED magazine asked me to create a detailed visualization to accompany an article about how the UK tech industry has flourished over the last decade. The...
You traverse an American’s family tree, and eventually you find an immigrant. And most of the time, you don’t have to go back that far.
So … what if everyone went back where they came...
A visualisation of complexity of R packages in Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) package repository. The visualisation begins with a network plot of a selected list of 324 R packages...
An animated data-driven documentary about climate change and public trust in science, Degrees of Uncertainty takes an inquisitive look at the complex relationship between certainty and scientific...
This visualization was my final project for the Introduction to Data Visualization course by Alberto Cairo at the University of Miami.
I chose HIV as my project topic based on the article,...
This plot is similar to a scatterplot, which is used to understand the relationship between two continuous measures. However, a change plot represents the current values on the x-axis and the...
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing represents almost 15% of all world fishing products and is valued at around $17 Billion.
To fight this problem, GI-TOC and Poseidon Consulting have...
The Journal plotted the location of every satellite currently in orbit, charting and color coding each by use and by country of origin, to illustrate the race to profit from space. This visually...
In 2013 Russian doctors teamed up with engineers to develop a robot‑assisted surgical system to meet the needs of both surgeons and patients. In 2018 first experimental surgery was successfully...
The aim of this data visualization is to discover the events of people failing to reach Europe between 2000 and 2018. It allows readers to visualize incidents and the resulting casualties across...
This visualization looks at the win percentage over the past 25 years for the NCAA college football pre-season top 25 teams. The year 1994 is shown at the 12:00 position and each year can be...
The 24 solar terms are the unique solar terms culture of China. With throttle the starting point of life is to want to do a north and south China for throttle value contrast as original from...
The Reuters graphics desk scraped thousands of documents to match the faces of every candidate in India's mammoth election with wealth and criminal case information. The result is a detailed look...
This table lists four groups of data from 31 provinces in China, including the total number of applicants in each year, the number of applicants in each province and the rate of admission. The...
Chinese traditional roof decoration style, variety, and in the long history through the changes of the complex and the fusion, so in different regions, different nationalities and different...
The Natural Resources Inventory is an interactive collection of metrics and data visualisations that depict the stock, value and use of Queensland’s natural resources.
It is the world’s first...
Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $134.7 billion (current, or noninflation-adjusted, dollars)...
China has a centuries-long history of displaying fireworks on Chinese New Year's Eve. As air pollution attracts more attention, fireworks became a target of criticism because they produce smoke and...
Genre is a love letter to video games.
It's a pop explosion of color and an exploration of game sales across across 3 decades, 3 console manufactures, 19 systems, and 12 genres.
Every element...
What does eight decades of design look like? Launched in celebration of Knoll’s 80th anniversary, The Archive is an interactive website celebrating the rich history of the iconic design firm. Users...
Using Tableau and Mapbox to map 100 years of Platypus sightings in Tasmania. This map highlights where further areas of protection are needed to help protect this wonderful species.
A lo-fi visualization to illustrate using the language of data the expressive possibilities of developing a sensory-based technology for the digital fine artist. The data seen is selective, and...
It’s hard to find the most appropriate visualization method. But the basic journalistic questions and the structure of your data-set already define your visualization. The Infographic Taxonomy...
For the 2018 Brazilian general elections, our team developed a highly detailed results map, segmenting the electoral results by ballot location. This may seem trivial in countries where the state...
The world’s biggest election involved around 1 million polling stations spread across the country, from remote corners of the Himalayas to crocodile-infested mangrove swamps of the Andaman...
Our OS Maps users created over 300,000 public routes across Great Britain in 2018 (covering some 2,950,000 miles…) and we were curious to see where you most (and least) enjoy exploring.
The infographic is used to showcase the current food situation in Nigeria following the Nigerian government's ban on availability of foreign currency for food importation.
This visual story compares how Hong Kong and China apply the rule of law. The gap between the two systems is laid out and both jurisdictions are compared to the best and worst countries, as tracked...