"Pianeta Terra" is a children book published by National Geographic Kids and White Star in Italy, France and Poland. The aim of the book is to provide a innovative narrative of the Earth to the...
Sometimes information is both telling and funny. Nikhil Sonnad and Keith Collins of Quartz visualize Donald Trump’s unique communication style during the 2016 presidential election. Analyzing the...
How much does the translation behavior of a language indicate about its culture? Do German speakers seek the same words translated as the Spanish? To investigate, we've analyzed all the single word...
Internet of Elephants is a social enterprise based in Kenya and the United States, consisting of technologists, conservationists, educators, game designers and strategists, who are working together...
refugeemovements.com provides spacial and temporal interactive visualization of migration data collected by the UN Refugee Agency UNHCR. It addresses the following questions: How have global...
China's economy has grown rapidly since its economic reforms and increasing openness to trade, however, Hong Kong and Taiwan's economic performance in recent years has gradually slowed. The Fortune...
In China today, people pay more and more attention to their health problems, while medical information is often too dense and complex for most people to understand. In view of this, we examined...
What is the current landscape of Internet of Things (IOT) connected devices? Sachs assessed the IOT listings on IOT.com and surveyed a national sample to find out. Taking inspiration from tropical...
This interactive data explorer is built by acclaimed designer Moritz Stefaner and his team at Truth & Beauty, using Google Trends data. It’s also the second in the Google News Lab’s series of...
Women in government in the modern era are under-represented in most countries worldwide. Even though some progress has been made during the last two centuries, and women are increasingly...
Part of a twelve-strong interactive series, this project commemorates 100 years since the Russian October Revolution. This unorthodox Minecraft-styled infographic handles the basics of an economic...
When Secretary of State Rex Tillerson sought to allay American’s fears of North Korea’s nuclear threat by saying, “Americans should sleep well at night,” we asked, should we? What would happen if...
In our previous research, we investigated different areas of the Facebook dispositif: algorithmic and human labor, the digital infrastructure behind the social network, and the exploitation of...
Prime Minister Theresa May invoked Article 50 of the EU's Lisbon Treaty on March 29, triggering Britain's divorce proceedings with the European Union and launching two years of negotiations that...
Augmented Reality (AR) is a new way to see the world. With AR menu and characters, we can achieve all that has been shown on Star Wars, Iron-man, The Minority Report and other Sci-fi films.
Living in Texas, I had spent hours watching news coverage as Harvey made landfall and slowly crept its way inland towards my city. Fortunately Austin was spared, but as the bayous in Houston...
Based on film budget, revenue and rating data, Film Money tells the story of the fickle relationship between business interests and public taste. Often demanding huge amounts of effort, manpower...
Snow is vital to the environmental health of the western United States. Unlike rainfall, it doesn't come as one burst that's here and then quickly gone. Instead, it tends to accrue over the winter...
Members of the public in European states including France, Belgium, Germany and the UK greatly overestimate their country’s Muslim population and the rate at which it is growing.
The Shadow Peace is a documentary series that asks thought-provoking questions about war, peace, and humanity using a unique form of cinematic data visualization. The first episode, "The Nuclear...
According the UN’s Comtrade database, the global market for imported goods totaled $15.6 trillion in 2015. This map shows where those goods came from and where they went, each dot representing $1...
Standard solid-color blob maps of individual tree species show where a particular tree might be found; this is why they’re useful in field guides. But in order to show the higher-level patterns of...
According to the latest data on global GDP released by the World Bank this February, the U.S. still is the world's biggest economy – by far. As shown by this Voronoi diagram, the United States...
Sound as Color is an exploration in converting audible frequencies to electromagnetic waves. This makes them perceptible to the human eye, creating a colour palette which corresponds to the audible...
But there’s another factor that probably plays into how deluged we seem to be with news: Every time something happens, major or minor, our phones vibrate with an update — often from multiple...
An analysis of the more than 21,000 words in the Hamilton musical, and a write-up of the relational and thematic insights that were found. Includes an interactive exploratory tool at the end, where...