Dawes’s work, Cinema Redux, inspired us to take a serious look at how one would go about quantifying the amount of ‘redness’ that pervaded the Chinese media. Would the resulting outcome help to...
The last star that survives before the universe turns dark will very likely be a red dwarf. This video explains what makes red dwarfs special and why they might be humanity’s last resort for a new...
From Afghan training camps to the Islamic State - this is the comprehensive map for 37 years of terror acts performed by various Islamist groups around the world. We track the story and roots of...
Wage Islands is an interactive installation about wage and housing inequality in NYC. It's a 3d topographic map of monthly housing costs submerged in water to show where New Yorkers can afford...
As the tallest side at the Euros, expect Sweden to be a big threat at set-pieces. It is likely that Martin O’Neill will place an extra emphasis on defending dead balls before their opener against...
Commissioned by Future Earth Media Lab and Global Carbon Project to produce an infographic for presentation purposes as well as for highlighting the budget report on social media outlets.
The idea...
This visualisation graph below shows the running schedule for 1030 runners who are logging their data with Discovery Vitality in South Africa and have done at least one run over 80 km. Each row...
Explore your favourite “based on a true story” films scene-by-scene, beat-by-beat and test their veracity on a data level.
Obviously watch out – **MEGA SPOILERS**
With the Australian federal election drawing near, we set out to explain why Australians had varying levels of influence on the outcome.
We included various factors which could effectively...
The analysis of collaboration patterns both between institutions and among countries.
Scientific collaborations play an increasingly important role in driving world-leading research. Nature...
What are investors looking for in companies and founders? The data looks at 890 U.S. startups that were founded from 2009-2015 and received at least $20 million in VC and other equity funding.
After a bitterly contested Australian election, the returned Government of Malcolm Turnbull faces the prospect of negotiating with various blocs of other parties in order to pass its agenda through...
Probe the solar system from Mercury to Pluto with this stellar schematic of space exploration! From the Luna 2 in 1959 to the DSCOVR in 2015, this color-coded chart traces the trajectories of every...
The US government has wasted billions of dollars in Afghanistan, and until now, no one has added it all up. Project after project blundered ahead ignoring history, culture and warnings of...
#MakeoverMonday is a social experiment run by Andy Kriebel and Andy Cotgreave. Each week Andy Kriebel shares a foreign data set and asks others to turn it into a more meaningful visualisation. The...
A century ago The Netherlands counted 6.5 million inhabitants. On March 21st of this year that number officially reached a total of no less than 17 million. That same day we published a combination...
We have become the largest producers of data in history. Almost every click online, each swipe on our tablets and each tap on our smartphone produces a data point in a virtual repository. According...
Elementary school: The folded leaflet shows the educational pathways of pupils between kindergarten and secondary school level II between 2001 and 2014. A distinction is drawn between different...
This poster was created as a piece of merchandise to accompany the Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology series on YouTube. The poster is a comprehensive and humorous look at human anatomy. The...
Choice and chance is a 3D visualization that takes the viewer through Pulse nightclub on the night a shooter opened fire inside the building, killing 49 people. Choice and chance highlights the...
Information visualization has traditionally limited itself to 2D representations, primarily due to the prevalence of 2D displays. While techniques that utilize immersive environments, such as...
Technology is moving forward at such a rapid rate, that there are going to be unthinkable changes that will take place in the near future.
The following interactive infographic will give you a...
The ribbons' sizes are proportional to the number of asylum applications by country of origin and destination. Destination countries connected to countries of origin by thick ribbons have...