Visualeyed is an online visual journalism magazine, offering a new perspective in the web publishing industry. This project was born with the aim to promote and inspire visual forms of...
The birth of the printing press not only revolutionized education and knowledge, it also reshaped the design of letterforms. This opened up a whole industry for printers-scholars, type cutters, and...
Musicmap tries to provide the ultimate genealogy of all popular music genres and bundles any information regarding music genres and history in one dynamic map, serving as both an educational tool...
This poster was created as a piece of merchandise to accompany the Crash Course Anatomy & Physiology series on YouTube. The poster is a comprehensive and humorous look at human anatomy. The...
Eniday is an Eni’s project, a digital magazine focused on innovation and storytelling, providing explainations and stories on how natural resources are transformed into energy. The Visual Agency...
Cognitive biases are just tools, useful in the right contexts, harmful in others. They’re the only tools we’ve got, and they’re even pretty good at what they’re meant to do. We might as well get...
Clayton Kershaw was one of the best pitchers in baseball in the first half of the season. We analyzed more than 1,600 pitches to illustrate his tendencies. We also allow readers to explore the...
The artwork shows the 100 heaviest meteorites found and seen falling to earth. For each meteorite it is represented on the arched timeline: the year in which it was found or it has fallen, the...
A nonstandard project, encompassing a data visualization presentation, interactive slides, and collection of 9 blogs. It strives to inspire others to show a dedication to details, to go beyond the...
The concept of the cosmic web—viewing the universe as a set of discrete galaxies held together by gravity—is deeply ingrained in cosmology. Yet, little is known about architecture of this...
Traditionally, Martian craters are all named after something on Earth - small towns, scientists, or famous artists. In this map I tried to make a strange planet seem familiar by sharing the Earth...
A fun interactive chart which lets you model various outcomes of the election results, selecting how each US state votes to see the impact on the election.
All layers represent the duties and goals of the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment in The Netherlands.
The bottom layer stands for a sustainable society. It's the foundation of all...
In this visualization you can investigate how the 146 million employed persons in 2014 were divided up between ~550 different occupations. The occupations are grouped and even subgrouped. Each grey...
Another Life Taken is a project that illustrates abortion in America at the central point of contention — the humanity of the unborn. It represents each child individually as a fetus rather than...
With abolitionist Harriet Tubman coming to the $20 bill, the women-on-currency issue deserves some context. Though men are featured on bank notes far more than women, the Tribune tracked down...
We have become the largest producers of data in history. Almost every click online, each swipe on our tablets and each tap on our smartphone produces a data point in a virtual repository. According...
Inspired by the SMH article "Casino buses in migrants who hope 'to live beyond their means"(Heath Aston; December 11, 2011), we created a series of map to show the influence of The Star casino on...
The Financial Inclusion Map explores differing access to and use of financial services around the world. It visualises data from the World Bank using a unique interactive hexagon cartogram map. A...
This tool presents biological data for all 55 distinct salmon populations found in the Skeena River watershed, as well as maps of current human and environmental pressures on freshwater and...
A visual display of the varieties of tea from China and Taiwan. As the second most widely consumed beverage, second only to water, tea has a lot more varieties than you would think. Like wine where...
Kaledata is an Italian hand drawn infographic news blog. Articles are published twice a month on average and focus on worldwide news and current events. Kaledata is in Italian but has an English...