80 Minutes in a Locked Room is a personal influence map. I decided to tell a story about my adventures in a locked room maze. In the infographic, different moods and behaviours are represented...
During the Climate Conference we published 3 visualizations on the impact of human CO2 emissions. A simulation in which the ‘bubble rate’ reflects the actual CO2 emission rate makes the different...
Since 2008 I create network visualizations to better understand how communities work. In this article I take a look at how verified Twitter users are connected and who they are.
Probe the solar system from Mercury to Pluto with this stellar schematic of space exploration! From the Luna 2 in 1959 to the DSCOVR in 2015, this color-coded chart traces the trajectories of every...
This is the average day of 1,000 Americans. Using data from the American Time Use Survey, I modeled a day as a time-varying Markov chain and simulated their time to the minute. The animated...
The project is a work of visualization illustrating the living cost of normal residents in Shanghai. We calculated the average price of housing within 1km away from each metro station by collecting...
Smoke and Fire is an interactive visualisation of air pollution in Australia, particularly shipping plume along the east coast of New South Wales.
The aim was to present the data to experts as...
Displaying a cities density (people per square kilometre) by creating city-like typographic expressions of that density. The more crammed and taller the buildings within the boundaries of the type,...
The work shows the most common color of the Olympic Games symbol (5 rings) present in flags of countries that won at least one medal throughout the history of the Olympics.
The countries that...
MapInSeconds lets people create choropleth maps just by copying and pasting data from a spreadsheet/Excel.
A major goal of this is to make map-making straightforward and accessible. The maps can...
An animated visualization of commuting patterns for US counties operating at the US Census Tract level. Tract to tract flows are shown based on user selected criteria.
Infographic showing on one hand the comparison over the entire race Rossi, Lorenzo and Marquez (for lack of a career: 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the MotoGP 2015) and on the other hand the main 'sprints'...
This story features an agricultural project from Uganda. A team of scientists joined 358 farmers who sourced the data themselves for this project. In two districts they tested the best bean they...
cf. city flows is a comparative visualization of urban bike mobility designed to help citizens casually analyze bike-sharing systems in the context of a public exhibition space. Three...
Is crime in America rising or falling? The answer is not nearly as simple as politicians sometimes make it out to be, because of how the FBI collects and handles crime data from the country’s...
The authors scanned data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2014 American Community Survey—which covers 3.5 million households—to find out how people are pairing up.
I can't read music but I can parse it. The talent of reading music has always escaped me which is a little ironic considering I grew up in a musical family. However, I've always enjoyed how sheet...
Although the Force is vague and entirely fictitious, this infographic identifies, measures, and categorises use of the Force of the first 6 Star Wars movies.