Choosing a university is an issue that every Russian family finds itself facing at some point. This analysis of the higher education landscape over the past few years might be helpful in making...
A visual and data analytic exploration of success in tennis: Uncovering the relationship between performance and popularity.
The visualization shows the career paths of the currently 500 best...
Wikiverse is galactic reimagining of Wikipedia with up to 250 thousand articles to explore and discover. In this miniverse, articles are turned into stars which naturally cluster by similarity....
I created a series about some of the major impacts of global warming that I witnessed in Washington State this summer, using scientific data to show how the drought is devastating the...
This project is a small atlas with basic information about our country represented in different infographics using only two colors. We investigated general data about Mexico, as well as about each...
We have mapped the “ethnicity” of 2,958 nominees in the 6 major award categories at the Oscars - Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress in a Leading Role, Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Best...
War and Peace — a vast novel with many characters and events, historical facts and locations. We visualized relations between the characters and how these evolve, movements of the characters on the...
The Dalai Lama asked Paul Ekman and Stamen Design to design him an Atlas of Emotions. This online interactive project visualizes what science knows about emotions, emotional states, triggers,...
On the anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, we measure (for measure) 97 times his plays inspired us. He began writing plays by 1592, and they appear roughly in this order. He died on April 23, 1616,...
Sonnet Signatures visualizes each of Shakespeare's 154 sonnets by charting the letters used within each one. The signatures are not meant to assign meaning but to inspire others to think about...
This online infographic shows the current figures about employment in elderly care in the Netherlands. Depicted in strong visuals, one can easily see in one overview what the headlines are. It...
This infographic shows the amounts paid by football clubs and charged for players in the summer of 2015.This work allows other readings on the four major European leagues: the size of each or the...
In the spirit of that never-ending pursuit of the next great idea, this interactive Patent Wall visualises the tens of thousands of Qualcomm's inventions conveyed through our patents. This is the...
The IBM Watson News Explorer uses the AlchemyData News API to automatically construct a news information network and present large volumes of news results in an understandable fashion. It uses...
Shelter-me-not is an infographic art installation visualizing the housing issues of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, highlighting the ways in which shelter is tied to the experiences of both personal...
Storytelling with Data teaches you the fundamentals of data visualization and how to communicate effectively with data. You'll discover the power of storytelling and the way to make data a...
The ribbons' sizes are proportional to the number of asylum applications by country of origin and destination. Destination countries connected to countries of origin by thick ribbons have...
From 'vehemently oppose' to 'all in': explore the universe of positions on Donald Trump. See which politicians have been sucked into orbit by the gas giant and which ones are resisting the pull.
Budget cuts can be a little befuddling, which is why for the 2015 Spending Review we wanted to create something that was easily accessible and understandable for everybody – whilst still being...
Welcome to the Sage Project, a new platform where design and technology come together to create the food labels we’ve always wanted — smart, simple, and personalized.
I picked the 24 cities based on a balancing act of the following criteria:
Cities with data-rich sources (some of the best historic data happens to be provided by international airports in...
After Amelia and Oliver have yet again topped the list of most popular baby names in England and Wales, we look at how other names are faring.
While Mia and Ella were gaining fans, there were...