The panorama view shows the 50 top songs as individual planetary systems with the original work as the sun. Each planet represents a version of the song and it’s appearance indicates...
This project is a recreation of the original Statistical Atlas of the United States with current data. Using similar styling, the data portrayed is publicly available and comes from government...
An animated, interactive world map allowing users to access global bilateral migration data in an informative and engaging way. The application captures the movement of over 215 million migrants ....
…and which is the noirest film of all?
These questions are answered in our infographic dedicated to the shadowy world of one of classic Hollywood’s most beloved subgenres.
What to study in Costa Rica? Would it be worth investing in that career? Are there openings in that field in local market? How much can you earn at companies in that country? Are there many people...
Nothing beats an illustration project that involves all my favourite things - food, food and food.
Be it Western or Asian, of different flavour, of different culture.
In today’s era, collecting data is in many ways, the easy part. Making sense of data in a business context seems like a harder task. Business leaders are still anxious...
As part of the celebration around the World Statistics Day 2015, and following the launch of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals Report, the United Nations Statistics Division announced the...
The U.S. Department of Labor tracks how many people die at work, and why. The latest numbers were released in April and cover the last seven years through 2013.
Climate Central's flagship sea level project, two years in the making, allows users to search or navigate interactive maps to see areas below different amounts of sea level rise and flooding — down...
matplotlib is a python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms.
Over the last year Private Eye has revealed the extent of ownership of British land by offshore companies, generally for tax avoidance and often to conceal dubious wealth. Now the Eye has...
There is something wrong with the global financial system.
While that idea is widely shared since the 2008 crisis, we still don’t fully understand what needs to be changed, and what we can...
Fusion’s Take the Plunge charting tool shows the lifetime-income outcomes for various educational options. It might show you, for instance, that a female arts graduate with a degree from a public...
"Histography" is an interactive timeline that spans across 14 billion years of history, from the Big Bang to 2015. The site draws historical events from Wikipedia and self-updates daily with new...
FlowingData explores how statisticians, designers, data scientists, and others use analysis, visualization, and exploration to understand data and ourselves.
As for me, I'm Nathan Yau and I have...
Animal species are going extinct anywhere from 100 to 1,000 times the rates that would be expected under natural conditions. Arguably, the increase results from a variety of human-caused...
The Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones VentureSource are tracking venture-backed private companies valued at $1 billion or more. See how the club has expanded since the project began in January 2014...
THE loony music video “Gangnam Style” surpassed two billion views on YouTube this week, making it the most watched clip of all time. At 4:12 minutes, that equates to more than 140m hours, or more...
Friends in Space has been the first social network to extend beyond Earth; a 6 months-long open window to make new friends from all over the world and join astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti in her...
Many of the economic trends that have defined countries’ fortunes over the past year are especially striking when seen visually—how in the U.S., for example, unemployment declined, or how, in...
In June 2013 the scale of government mass surveillance of agencies, like NSA and GCHQ, were leaked by Edward Snowden. This project intends to raise awareness by designing a fictional monitoring...
The number of infected people, measured over 70-some years and across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, generally declined after vaccines were introduced. The heat maps below show number...
This chart is read left to right, up to down. Each row represents a year in my life (starting at age 15), and is made up of 365 columns representing days. You can navigate through the dates and...
This map shows the collaboration networks between researchers in different cities. Apart from its aesthetic qualities, the map is useful to illustrate some interesting collaboration patterns....