As has been recently documented by the press, one of the major challenges that CitiBike is facing is the rebalancing of their stations. As origins and destinations of CitiBike trips are not...
The visualization shows the responses of teachers to some questions of the survey undertaken by the OECD TALIS 2013 with the aim of providing a detailed image of the situation of teaching. The...
The digitalization of todays society emerges into nearly all aspects of our lives. Musicians, dj‘s and producers mainly use digital music formats nowadays. Digital music files and current dj...
Gender Map is a dynamic representation of how many women are found in boardrooms across the world, showing the discrepancies that still exist in the highest echelons of business. Gender Map renders...
Literary elites love to rep Shakespeare’s vocabulary: across his entire corpus, he uses 28,829 words, suggesting he knew over 100,000 words and arguably had the largest vocabulary, ever. I decided...
Working with technologist Ekene Ijeoma, we created an interactive experience that illuminates where and when refugees emigrate, as well as the complex stories of political, social and economic...
This Infographic shows the changes in Formula One in the season 2014. How the Red Bull Car 2014 had changed to 2013. You can see many informations about driverfield, races, budgets and all new...
App prospect for data management company Stibo Systems. A normal 2D chart provides an overview of only 2 parameters. With 3D columns you get a 3rd value as well - much quicker than comparing 2...
Capture the now with Kennedy. A new way to mark moments in time complete with surrounding context of the things happening around you.
One tap and Kennedy will collect data about where you're...
Following the final drawing of World Cup 2014 participants last December, Bloomberg Sports assigned each national team a distinctive rating. BSports then simulated each match of the tournament over...
After the disappearance of Flight 370, readers had a hard time understanding how difficult the search for plane's black box would be. This graphic shows just how challenging the search is.
Drugs, guns and sex. Also some data in a project that opens up the Czech crime statistics for the first time in history. Comprehensive and appealing look into police statistics. An important voice...
This visualisation shows the distribution of the 10,568,679 items on Wikipedia, sorted by type. It shows that Wikipedia describes 2,424,305 humans, 588,822 Chinese villages, 152,692 albums, and...
Planet Earth is this solid thing you are standing on right now. In your everyday life you don't really waste a thought about how amazing this is. A giant, ancient, hot rock. How did it come...
What happens to a woman’s body during pregnancy? This exceptionally vertical magazine page spread shows it all, addressing several topics, head to toe. The page is part of a special series of...
As T.S. Eliot said,
'Mankind cannot bear very much reality'.
His own answer was Anglo-Catholicism but what irrational beliefs sustain other people in the UK?
The Bloomberg Industry Leaderboard is the data visualization component of Bloomberg's new franchise The Year Ahead. This tool compares 55 global industries and the 600 market leaders within them...
Everyone knows that American politics has become more polarised over the past quarter-century. In this motion infographic, the effect is shown visually—with troves of data, statistics and...