The British have always been obsessed with Class, and apparently we still are. The BBC's Great British Class Calculator has so far had more than 7 million page views.
The project began when the...
Manifest Destiny tells the story of the United States in 141 maps from the Declaration of Independence to the present. The visualization lets the user flip through more than 200 years of history in...
The History of Chrome illustrates key milestones in the browser's history, the technologies that have emerged since it launched, and the meteoric rise in users who count on Google Chrome as their...
The Lancet medical journal commissioned this motion infographic to publicise a new study revealing the outcome of mass vaccination against meningococcal meningitis in Chad. As ever the challenge...
Using data provided by the Hong Kong Observatory, the graphic visualises 23 years worth of rain in Hong Kong, starting from 1990. It shows the daily average rainfall as well as any issued tropical...
The United States Electoral College is the institution that officially elects the President and Vice President of the United Sates every four years.
This political map looks very different from the...
Emoto captured and visuÂalÂised the global response around the London 2012 Olympic Games on Twitter. The project consisted of an interactive online visualization, realtime data-journalism...
We take the two most nit-picking characters from Downton Abbey, Carson the butler and Lady Violet the dowager countess, and track everything that provoked them across three seasons and one...
These new city maps are formed by –connecting the dots' between stores of major brands, such as McDonalds, Starbucks, The Body Shop etc. By linking them and covering the area between them the image...
This data driven interactive graphic examines the military and political opposition groups trying to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad. The data for the graphic was gathered exclusively by Al...
As James Bond marked its 50th anniversary we wanted to find a stylish and fun way to convey some key data about the films. In order to gather our data a number of journalists volunteered to watch...
This piece was originally created as a 40th birthday gift for a friend who loves baking. I loved the idea of giving her a playful piece of art she could hang in her kitchen. I created all edible...
Approximately 70,000 thoughts run through the human mind each day—a significantly larger number than the amount of breaths you take daily, averaging 21,600 to 24,000.
The visualization shows the disease alerts from 03 August to 01 November 2012. You can select the name of a disease on the left then see the alerts by continent.
This double sided poster was designed to be a handout for people at Detroit's Eastern Market. Side 1 explores the market itself and what it has to offer—side 2 provides 5 recipes one can make...
In an era of political, social, and economic upheaval in the Arab world, the –Politicians' Salaries and Income Inequality' visual represents a collaboration between the teams behind Visualizing...
The Korean war was a bloody battle that lasted from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953. It was a conflict caused by a divided peninsula, in which both sides wanted reunification but retaining their...
I designed this infographic after being inspired by a post on the Economist's website. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) created a –Where To Be Born Index' in 1988 and now again in 2013. The...
Everything Oscar Wilde said or wrote was designed to be quoted. But how far has he succeeded? We used search engines, books of quotations and newspaper archives to work out which of Wilde's...
This map shows monthly average temperatures recorded by approximately 7,280 climate stations around the world since 1900. Our goal was to show the beauty in the diversity of land temperatures,...
The Economist's defense correspondent in 2013 revealed to the world how close Iran was to building a nuclear bomb. But it took a 3-page article to explain. So our graphics editor intricately...
The graphic »Fly me to the moon« shows all vehicles for man to leave the earth, explore the space and reach the moon. From the first beginning to the future of spacecrafts.
Color research in movies. We held a survey concerning colors presented in several films by means of calculating the amount of one or another color shade appearing during the whole movie. That's how...