I was curious to understand the invisible threads between people, what the work and social connections look like at Barabasi Lab. With the help of a custom-made script, all active colleagues filled...
Ruas do Género: Exploring Gender Representation in Urban Toponymy
"Ruas do Género" is a visual essay that explores the issue of gender representation in the street names of Porto, Portugal. How...
The World Cup is a weeks-long feast of sport. This suite of pages gave readers an expansive way to follow the action with live match stats and commentary, team lineups and history, a fun take on...
With more than 2 million tickets sold on the first day they were available – the most sold by an artist in a single day – The Eras Tour is a historically monumental event that's breaking stadium...
Imagine if policy makers and interventionalists had the ability to access and explore aggregate health information from across geographic regions at their fingertips. The Population Health OutcomEs...
In October 2021, the French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) published a report highlighting the huge impact of noise on people’s health in France. According to the report, noise in France...
Lab24, the visual area of Il Sole 24 Ore, has published “La Guerra dei chip”, a longform that explains why semiconductors are the most valuable and disputed piece of technology today, with analysis...
We are sensorial creatures who inhabit the world surrounded by sensory data (Serres, 2008); also, we experience the world by continually engaging all the senses (Le, 2017). In such a context, we...
I decided to visualize the largest lakes around Berlin using a new technique in Illustrator. This was a fun project to familiarize myself with my new living area and practicing the language while...
According to the article "The Lifecycle of Plastics" by WWF Australia, a disposable baby diaper takes 500 years to completely decompose on Earth. When I first came across this new knowledge, I was...
In collaboration with the NFL's 2023 Diversity and Inclusion Report, Playfair Data presents an analysis of occupational mobility patterns within the NFL. The annual study, now in its 10th year,...
Pentobarbital is frequently utilized for euthanasia. Unexpectedly, it has also led to a series of events related to secondary poisoning across multiple species because of its challenging...
Dogs are amazing, man’s best friend you might say! But for any dog owners, you’ll know that they come with some unusual habits, like snoring, excessive farting and howling in their sleep.
As a key figure in the IPCC Synthesis Report, Figure SPM1, panel c, captured global media attention and inspired many related visualizations. Figure SPM1c breaks new ground for IPCC as it ties...
The idea was to summarize a rather complex, dry and technical report ("Annual Debt Report") in a fun and light-hearted way to a broader audience, showing what happens with the Brazilian Public Debt...
Through this visualization, we present a distinct perspective on the evolving landscape of space launches across different eras. The visualizations illustrate countries' advancements in launching...
The first map represents the distribution of femicides in the city halls of Mexico City and municipalities of the State of Mexico registered from 2015 to 2022.The second map shows the location of...
The Qatar World Cup was one of the darkest sports competitions of recent times. A competition where multiple human rights were violated and the conditions of its construction were inhumane. In...
Online dating consists of ups and downs, fun and disappointment, excessive swiping and digital detox. Viewed over a long period of time, a construct of recurring behavior patterns, habits and...
This is an illustrated explanation of the deportation and forced transfer of Ukrainian citizens to Russia by Russian forces.
Karina Zaiets, herself displaced from Ukraine, and the USA TODAY...
Happiness is a deeply personal experience, yet everyone pursues happiness. Growing up in Beijing and living across the globe sparked my curiosity about the ways different cultures perceive and live...
‘Waste World’ is a multi-dimensional globe visualization that shows how the layer of the world looks like if we compare countries by their waste generation…
The Globe:
The height of the country...
This data visualization analyzes the results of the largest to date veterinary study on a deadly cat virus called Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) and the effects of a potentially curing...
Persistent deterioration of land, air, and water are largely invisible to the eye and camera lens. What if water could visualize its quality and perform the level of contamination? Ripple Effect is...
Technology meets audio. Analysis of consumption trends in Spain of the main forms of expression: podcasts, audiobooks, smart speakers and voice assistants. Preference of use by area, reasons for...
Ever since I can remember, I’ve loved watching musical performances on YouTube. I’m not talking “concert” footage, but edited YouTube videos of bands, artists, and music producers. There’s...
Africa’s small farm sizes have led to low crop yields compared to other regions. This, coupled with increasing global demand for agricultural commodities, has posed economic risks for emerging...