What is the shape of networks? How do we experience network sculptures? Our goal with this project is to bring networks to life as physical objects, a testimony to their physical reality in spite...
The Paris Agreement committed states to limit global warming to 1.5°C, yet this goal seems increasingly unattainable due to challenges in mobilizing support for the necessary climate actions. The...
A small visual exploration of the episodes and guests of the Data Stories podcast by Christian Laesser. You find the podcast of Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner at datastori.es. You can make your...
SORTING is an algorithm visualization and sonification work created by Yuan Ren. Through computer programming, the sorting history, data comparison, data swap, absolute error, residual sum of...
For our wedding, we created a network graph of the connections between all of our guests and designed individualized data-driven badges that highlighted each guests’ unique relationship to us, the...
“Eyes” is an interactive biometric data art that transforms human iris data into musical sound and 3D animated images. The idea is to allow the audience to explore their own identities through...
We associate Wikipedia with transparency, but much of the editing process is opaque to us. If we look closer, we start to see that some articles are edited much more than others. If one of the most...
Bio: I am an information designer and data sonification artist. I'm passionate about creating short, impactful data stories as well as nuanced, complex data-rich long reads. Throughout the design...
This story describes the agricultural implications of a potential nuclear conflict in terms of calories, both the amount that crops might produce and the amount that we might consume under...
What if innovation could make information more exciting?
Transforming Intel’s data-rich product stories into visceral, visually arresting and meaningful live experiences was the challenge we...
Park Life is a physical installation consisting of painted panels that visualizes the diversity of animal life found in five U.S. National Parks: Death Valley, Glacier, Grand Teton, Hot Springs,...
Plutarch said that “Painting is silent poetry, and poetry painting that speaks.” In these visualisations of famous poems, letters are replaced by colours to close the gap between painting and...
The work integrates the questions related to the game and people's psychology through questionnaires in the way of investigation, and finally presents them through dynamic posters and interactive...
Hong Kong has been rated as the least affordable city for housing prices for nine consecutive years. That's what many people may know and only know about the Hong Kong housing market. We believe...
Together with the cultural city lab RAUM, we curated an event that engages people with data on different mediums. We devised a concept of ‘circus show’ which created a deeper understanding of the...
Simplications are representations of time data. This collection was initially developed as watchfaces for the Pebble smartwatch and launched on Kickstarter. Simplications range from simple to...
Wir sehen unsere Umwelt durch das Fenster der Sinne und Wahrnehmungen. Von diesem Punkt aus kann es schwer fallen andere Perspektiven auf die Welt zu verstehen. Dabei ist unsere Perspektive nur...
A handmade data object designed by three members of Starschema’s Data Visualization team; created purely for experimentation and outside work hours. The project was originally submitted to the Dear...
Choose a Class and / or Gender by clicking on the images to view the survival rates for the people in that group and select ages in the chart below (desktop only). Explore their stories by hovering...
This piece looks at the newly released Google Quick, Draw dataset of over 50 million doodles and focuses on the length of time it takes the ameatur artists to draw a selection of these doodles. The...
This poster is a dataviz on the subject of overcrowded housing in France. By using sardine can, it refers to a french turn of phrase "packed like sardines". This datavisualisation was presented at...
I am currently a student in National Univeristy of Singapore, and I am going to graduate atfer 1 year. I will need to find job.
So I make a resume for myself in a different way, not like the...
Much of our Universe is too distant for anyone to visit in person, but we can still explore it. Telescopes give us a chance to understand what objects in our Universe are like in different types of...
AtF Spark is a font that allows for the combination of text and visual data to show an idea and evidence in one headline. Sparklines are currently available as plugins or javascript elements. By...
All this infographic is about taking care of your hair. Start with a joke related to the famous film The Shining, highlight the importance of keep a relax mind and stay away from long time work.
DayDohViz is a "daily" inspiration project that experiments with physically visualizing data in 3D using a phone and Play-Doh. Yes, Play-Doh.
Creator Amy Cesal's subjects range from...
During 2021–2022 I engaged on a personal project hoping to deepen my knowledge and experience in data visualization. I wanted to experiment with different tools, graph types and presentations. I...
365° is an education-oriented blog that runs on Instagram and Facebook. Everyday, beginning January 1st, we upload an infographic describing a single piece of data that is relevant to our...