“It is an automated response system designed for clients to independently and pro-actively measure their sales team’ performance in activating their look of success in trade; they will be able to...
Data theater on the quantified self.
The human body is increasingly encountered as a data body. Movements, emotions and states are measured, quantified and transformed into data. At the same...
What if machines could write stories?
What are the boundaries between creativity and automation? These are the questions I asked myself when I started working on 'Grimmz' - a fairy-tale generator,...
A Matter of Scales is an interactive data exhibit meant to tell the story of the pangolin—an order of animals that faces endangerment and extinction due to illegal trade thanks to demand for the...
To report our agency's financial results and milestones, projects and team evolution of last year we've decided to design and publish an experimental issue called Visual Report 2017. Income...
Asked to present the historic event in a given folding format, I chose to move away from the stories and give light to the vast scope and numbers of disappearance during the military dictatorship...
These visualizations, were originally created to take part in the research "Public Engagement through Fisheries Visualization". Their purpose is to study public engagement with different types of...
At a time where the internet continues to distort our perception of truth, our trust in the content we consume online is diminishing. Data Obscura is our response to this current and pressing quest...
Mapping the movement of Pigeons - Mapping Municipal Market, Ahmedabad
Located adjoining one of the busiest streets of the city of Ahmedabad, the municipal market hosts a lot of visitors every day....
Italy is the world leader in pasta production, producing more than 3,000,000 tons every year.
We are the most caloric country, indeed. What if pasta calories were converted in kilowatt per hour?...
Audiofabric is a music visualization built for the browser in WebGL. The user is shown a rotating grid which moves and pulsates like fabric with the music of five audio tracks. See if you can...
SORTING is an algorithm visualization and sonification work created by Yuan Ren. Through computer programming, the sorting history, data comparison, data swap, absolute error, residual sum of...
Since the EU referendum was announced, the value of the pound has seen ups and downs - drive a bus along the graph and see if you can keep it from crashing
A physical dataviz installation that represents the cost of health care for different age groups, based on the time it takes for a marble to fall. Each of the 7 runs represents a different decade...
Many New Yorkers could be living with an industrial legacy of lead in their soil and not even know it. An illustrated urban gardening guide shows how to prevent exposure to contaminated soil.
Economics can be confusing. Even the most interesting facts on the economy can become complicated if they’re with jargon. And with economic concepts affecting the decisions, we make it’s vital...
IKEM teamed up with the design agency Ellery Studio to develop the first-of-its-kind Infographic Energy Transition Coloring Book! The book tells the story of climate change and the energy...
A year-long project featuring a friendly monthly competition between two data professionals. This project involves community participation and an opportunity to learn and experiment.
Each row of this cross stitch represents the average temperature for that year. It starts from 1880 (top row) to 2017 (bottom row). White is the average temperatures of the years 1900 to 2000. The...
Google knows where you have been.
For the year 2017, I analised the tracking data that Google collects from your location and visualised it into a fiddly poster.
DayDohViz is a "daily" inspiration project that experiments with physically visualizing data in 3D using a phone and Play-Doh. Yes, Play-Doh.
Creator Amy Cesal's subjects range from...
IBM Immersive Insights is a data exploration tool that applies AR technology to data exploration and communication. Users are able to view their data in 3D using the AR wearable tool, and within...
Artificial Intelligence is everywhere. 8.3 billion devices around the world automating our lives with the ease of AI. But, few understand how these systems work.
That’s why we created the Watson...
TomCast is a research tool for financial market forecasts that allows tracking and analyzing published forecasts to understand their quality. We designed and developed an initial version of the...
The growth of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide is alarming. This is a handmade visualization of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions for 1990, 2010 and projected for 2030. Three wearable creatures...
Vector-izing your text input and creating a text map/vizualisation/digital signature of that text, each map being distinct, gives birth to a pattern which is unique for that text.
Inspired by the approach of our design studio we created an interactive annual review for 2017 based on the hours we worked. Through a navigable timeline, you can see projects that we've worked on...
How does Paris look as seen through the lens of thousands of photographers? This interactive installation provides an immersive dive into the image space spanned by thousands photos taken across...
This is a timeline consisting of 20 years in American history, all of which had major influence on both the progress and regress of women’s reproductive rights in the United States of America. The...