This poster is a dataviz on the subject of overcrowded housing in France. By using sardine can, it refers to a french turn of phrase "packed like sardines". This datavisualisation was presented at...
Commissioned by Pingan technology, Emerge designed and built an interactive experience based around company’s patent records, aiming to make the data touchable and memorable. Using realtime...
This poster shows the "genealogy" of past and current faculty at the University of Miami, based on Gilda Santana's research: where faculty went to school, their research focus, and their time at...
Written in the Stars.
This tells a story, our story. But it is not unique, it in part belongs to all of us that have fallen for another. The technology industry can, at times, earn its...
A real-time data sonification
Outside of our visible spectrum of light there is a very big area of electromagnetic radiation. Scientifically it is light as well, as it consists of photons. The...
This year, I became a graduate student of Institute of Systems Science at National University of Singapore. When i was learning data storytelling, I wanted to make an infographic myself. But what...
Running Hot And Cold visualizes the temperature differentials in my long-distance relationship. How far apart was the weather when we were far apart from each other?
9/11 came as a gift to NSA, giving them more power and freedom to have mass surveillances illegally. And not just through eavesdropping on our phones, they’ve found a new weapon to invade our...
I was interested in visually exploring the communication between people and machines. I went about this by recording conversations between myself and Siri and then used the sound data from these...
Centered around the health cocerns linked to products in the beauty industry, All Natural is an infographic designed with the purpose to bring awareness and educate users to the negative affects...
Over recent decades life expectancy in the UK has risen, yet the onset of age-related disability has not kept pace. The ‘20 Year Gap’ gives a physical form to this data-driven insight. The height...
Liquidation was conceived as a time-based data visualization installation to explore and understand the growth and destruction of the Łódź Ghetto in Poland between 1940 and 1944. The intention of...
Commissioned by McMillan for Trend Micro, The Art of Cybersecurity is a series of images, together with a 4K animation born from cybersecurity threat data.
The work features three main...
Every year we ask ourselves whether it will snow on Christmas Eve, and we wonder when was the last time we really had a white Christmas. So last year we did a winter special. The data project not...
Autographic visualizations are based on material evidence rather than digital data. They aim to make the material conditions of data collection experiential and accountable. Staubmarke and Ozone...
The intersection of cancer genomics with novel immunotherapies is revolutionizing patient care. The number of mutations found in tumors has been associated with overall survival of lung cancer...
Sexual assault in America has existed for centuries, yet not at any one time has the concentration of them publicly surfaced as much as in the last quarter of 2017. Spawning #MeToo, #TimesUp and...
A revealing bubble chart... the top 20 similes used in the Bible's poetry book ‘Song of Songs’.
Data was created, analysed and wire-framed before the design. It needed to be traditional and a...
This project takes, as its starting point, the Sustainable Development Goals.
The UN highlights how ‘The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable...
“Eyes” is an interactive biometric data art that transforms human iris data into musical sound and 3D animated images. The idea is to allow the audience to explore their own identities through...
People depend on a healthy ocean. It regulates our climate, provides a vital food source for three million people and supports the livelihoods for hundreds of millions. But one of the biggest...
Will most meetings be remote in the future? This was the question that sparked my curiosity and inspired my exploration of every one of my work meetings from the last 3 years (Aug. 2016 - Aug....
Intel asked us to devise a permanent experiential digital installation in the lobby of its headquarters at Robert Noyce Building in California.
Enter The Wonderwall. Designed with living data at...
10 Downing Street shares its sustainability data so that everybody can help to identify new savings and suggest improvements. This dashboard examines how much energy is used at different times of...
IBM Technology Garden is a realtime installation bringing Wimbledon tennis Championships data to life. Data from match and player statistics, AI video highlights, weather forecasts, cyber security...
Most people grow up seeing clean water. I wanted to show the other side of the water. It is an infographic showing the present condition of wastewater pollution in Korea. The metaphor is a bubble....
On April 17, 2019, Xinhua News Agency published "Dare! Superstars Fall" —Talking about the life story of Xia Suisheng, the pioneer of organ transplantation in China, and the status of domestic...
Me and the World: An Infographic Story
This is a book for children to understand the world around them through infographics. Graphics and visualisations give us a method to use images to...