AtF Spark is a font that allows for the combination of text and visual data to show an idea and evidence in one headline. Sparklines are currently available as plugins or javascript elements. By...
Sound as Color is an exploration in converting audible frequencies to electromagnetic waves. This makes them perceptible to the human eye, creating a colour palette which corresponds to the audible...
Every year, millions come to Google to search for news and information that helps illuminate the world around them. While people often search for breaking news, the latest sports scores, or what's...
The King James Bible, and how it appears using the same color-scale as the historic COBE map of the cosmic microwave background that famously showed the afterglow from the big bang. (Blue=negative...
Data design created with the seven highest summits of each continent - Everest, Kilimanjaro, Aconcagua, Mc Kinley, Elbrus, Massif Vinson and Puncak Jaya - stretched between 4,884 m and 8,848 m....
The artwork shows in the first inner circumference the five most expensive diamonds in the world, in the middle the ten largest rough diamonds, and in the outer the number of deposits by country
Paintings and other images become a '3D movable object' with more depth, detail and structure in 'True Colour 3D'.
User controls can vary lighting and other effects of appearance.
Images were...
Datasets which have the same statistical properties, yet produce dissimilar graphs, are an effective tool to demonstrate the importance of visualizing your data. Anscombe’s Quartet is the famous...
Brazil is formed by 26 states, divided into 5 570 municipalities.
The first edition of the Data Book was about the state of Minas Gerais, with 853 municipalities. The data book contains...
The periodic table of northern tea is an homage to my mother's dinner-time combinations from my youth. Many an evening was spent with her reeling off what at the time seemed like endless...
It’s baby season in America, with September the busiest month for births on average in the last two decades. So it seemed like the right time to remix this blog’s most-popular post: How Common is...
Data sketches is a ±yearlong collaboration in 12 instalments. On average taking a month per project, Nadieh & Shirley create an extensive data visualization of a different topic and write about...
Market Cafe Magazine is a quarterly zine about data visualization. Reading Market Cafe Magazine you’ll hear from different voices about what designing information means and where it’s going. Our...
Two data visualization enthusiasts take on a year-long data visualization project. Tracking quantified-self data In the spirit of Dear Data, but with the twist that we traded data sets to be...
Spectroscapes explore music as physical models that are generated from the signal strength of frequencies present in the waveform of an individual song. As each piece of music is unique, so are the...
From selfie to wavy, everyday people turn to Google Search to learn definitions, ask questions, and find information. When we add up each of these moments and searches, we see interesting changes...
"How big is...?" is an ongoing series of infographics for children which I created for the Warum!-magazine. It started out as a series about size, but quickly became focused on trying to make...
The visualization is a self-exploration study. This is how I prepared myself to travel to the multiple destinations that are mapped, according to my browser history. Each ring represents a website...
Part of a twelve-strong interactive series, this project commemorates 100 years since the Russian October Revolution. This unorthodox Minecraft-styled infographic handles the basics of an economic...
This is a mobile friendly data visualization project produced for the World’s No-Tobacco Day. 11670 items were scraped from the world cigarette website, including package image and fundamental...
This infographic is a static A3 poster which highlights the startups that emerged in India from January 2015 to August 2016. It communicates the popular industry verticals amongst Indian startups,...
The EPFL Data Monolith presents an immersive data perspective on the complex microcosmos that constitutes university life. It is on display at the Data Square exhibition in the ArtLab building at...
My Life Through Data is a physical interactive workbook of activities for people to track their daily habits, visualize them in a beautiful and unique way, then compare their lives to the American...
Today, for the first time, BBC News, working with the Office for National Statistics, is providing you with a way of understanding your risk of being a victim of crime in England and Wales. If you...
The National Center for Education Statistics maintains a variety of metrics related to various levels of schooling. Poking around, I wondered what the kids these days are learning and how it might...
Simple recipes for alcoholic pitcher drinks geared towards 20-somethings. The language is meant to be snarky and engaging and the visuals make the recipes easy to replicate.
Bad Air Days presents the 100 most delayed flight routes from UK airports over a 12 month period (April 2016 to May 2017). The graphic breaks the top 100 down by the origin and destination of the...
Flourish is a next-generation platform for data visualisation and storytelling. It allows anyone to quickly produce world-class interactive graphics and stories from their data using an...