On the 1st of July, Shanghai started enforcing its compulsory domestic waste management. The city's regulation requires people to sort trash into four categories - dry garbage, wet garbage (kitchen...
PageRank Algorithm Visualization is a project with the aim to make visible and comprehensible the functioning of “Page Rank”, ex Google’s algorithm. A 2D poster game interactive visualization to...
The 2016 passage of General Data Protection Regulations in the EU put into effect the strictest data privacy laws in the world. In the years since, more countries—including the U.S., Brazil, and...
Nature is in crisis, and it’s only getting worse. As species vanish at a rate not seen in 10 million years, more than 1 million species are currently on the brink.
Humans are driving this...
OpenFlights Airports Database contains over 10,000 airports, train stations and ferry terminals spanning the globe. Feel free to query all airports on this map.
Attic is an interactive data visualization system, that visualizes the activities in our workspace of our program at university. It has an open attic where lectures take place and students spend...
The European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is one of the EU's cornerstones in its strategy for cutting emissions of manmade carbon dioxide (CO2). This visual piece explores how it works...
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have defied easy categorization since they burst into the public consciousness last year, fueling an intense debate over how they should fit into the average...
All solar flares laid over one another as you look at The Sun. Each flare is a circle. Since Feb 2002 there have been 115424 flares detected by the RHESSI mission. Most originate from The Sun...
Communities of color are disproportionately affected by factors that undermine opportunities for social and economic advancement. One of the most basic requirements to sustain a livelihood is...
Our World in Data publish yearly stats on energy usage by country and energy source type (https://github.com/owid/energy-data), and this makes for an intimidating dataset on an increasingly urgent...
A student project, visualization the Space Race between the USA and USSR, to see who would be the first to put a man on the moon.
I experimented with various ways of summarizing, grouping, and...
What we eat needs to be nutritious and sustainable. Our data visualisation for Nature’s feature shows how such ‘planetary health’ diet should look like according to researchers and how it compares...
The interface project represents the visualization of the versatile and complex setting functions of the »Camera K-50 Pentax«. The objective was to find a self-explanatory pictorial description of...
From Galileo Galilei to modern day, this data visualization maps over 400 years of Jovian discovery, displaying every currently known moon of Jupiter, each one featuring the year of discovery,...
Studio NAND worked with researchers from one of the largest university hospitals in Europe, Charité, and the Max PIanck Institute to tackle misinformation and misunderstanding of COVID-19...
In this digital dossier, we explain basic brain functions, the benefits and limitations of brain organoids, and ethical implications. The entire site is held together by a clear design, a stringent...
The increased industrialization of farm animals has not only affected the number of animals processed every year, but has also had immense environmental effects on the air, land, and water of the...
This story explains how and why hunching over your phone is destroying your posture and exposing those around you to manifold dangers. Data, diagrams, videos and animation show how and why we get...
Rare Earth Hypothesis shows how unique the Earth is in the universe. There are many factors that make life on Earth, including the appearance of the Moon. There are six hypotheses about the origin...
I developed this data visualization to highlight the 20-year gap in life expectancy across regions - a phenomenon the United States hasn't experienced in nearly 50 years. I wanted to show the...
These three information charts describe the morphological characteristics, growth and development of fern, gymnosperms and angiosperms, and their respective information.
I have illustrated each of...
Artemisinin is the most effective means of treating malaria. For the knowledge of artemisinin and malaria, I use the information visualization form to graphically express the pharmacological...
The Tiangong Space Station is a great aerospace project in China. I want to present theThe structure of the space station, how it is launched, how it is formed, and what is the difference with the...
The allure of the Moon's mysteries has swept across the globe, captivating hearts and minds. Inspired by a renowned melody, I embarked on crafting an exquisite infographic. Drawing upon the elegant...
These animated maps show how the warming climate is bringing ticks and lyme disease to Maine. This distills mountains of climate data into high density graphical displays.
In China there are three expressways that are among the most in the world. He has crossed most of the county and gathered the wisdom and sweat of many laboring people. After his success, the life...