Some animals live for spans once thought impossible, others die off fast, and a handful appear to age hardly at all. The bowhead whale, for example, can survive more than 200 years despite the risk...
Atlas is a data visualization catalog inspired by the groundbreaking work of William Playfair and his "The Commercial and Political Atlas," published in 1786. While chart catalogs aren't new, what...
America has a love affair with pickup trucks. For the last 40 years, the Ford F-150 has been the best selling car in America, but during that time trucks have shifted from humble workhorse vehicles...
Graphics team members Carlie Procell and Janet Loehrke teamed up to create this combined explanation of science and astrological phenomena.
If you can't access the story, please try...
As young researchers, we all strive to aim high in our careers. But how high may we plan? This project was born out of curiosity to see what statistics say about our chances to be published in...
NYC Covid Mortality Map is an interactive data visualization that aims to shed light on health disparities by visualizing the imbalanced death toll of Covid19 across different zipcode areas in New...
This is an interactive summary chronicling the evolution of the A.I. field from the 1950s until the present day.
For each decade, key technical milestone events, pop-culture inspirations in film...
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) Vizlab created this scrolly-telling website to inform the public about streamflow drought and how it is monitored by the USGS. The website is set up so...
The Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study offers a comprehensive overview of pressing societal issues of mortality and disability on a global scale, encompassing 204 different countries. It...
The first chart shows the age and gender distribution of shooters in the United States from 1999 to 2022.
The radial line graph shows the differences in mental disorders according to gender,...
Are the temperatures over the last few weeks normal? That’s the question the CBC News Climate Dashboard helps users answer by comparing the current forecast with historical data for around 500...
After 50 years of relative quiet, La Palma—one of the youngest
and most volcanically active islands in the Canaries—saw a
dramatic eruption in 2021. The event was one of the most dev-
How will »prompting« change the way we experience the world? Artificial Worldviews inquired GPT-3.5 about its knowledge of the world in 1.764 prompts and mapped out the results.
The advent of...
Last April was the 50 years anniversary of the first call done by Martin Cooper using the first mobile phone in history, which was big as a brick.
I wanted to find out more about that first model,...
Along with innovative scientific discoveries, the way in which these are depicted also requires a development in line with the times. Overgrown Tree - Evolution of Evolutionary Thinking is an...
Enroll-HD is a clinical research platform and the world’s largest observational study for Huntington’s disease (HD). It is a resource for the entire HD community, including families, clinicians,...
Linear algebra and matrix computations are often presented in math class as an array of inane formulas and calculations to drill and memorize. This explorable explainer attempts to present a deeper...
This project is an interactive visualization of a scientific publication on the topic of the global oxygen budget and its future projection from Jianping Huang et al. (2018).
It shows where and...
As the globe swelters under hotter and hotter temperatures, the simple surfaces around us can become a threat to human health. This piece explains the danger surfaces exposed to extreme heat pose,...
Many of us routinely force our bodies to fight sleep. We drink caffeinated beverages by day to stay alert and alcohol to wind down at night. Some of us work all night and sleep in daylight. Others...
“Discrimination Is Breaking People’s Hearts” was part of a special package of articles highlighting problems and solutions in health equity. The Scientific American editorial team quickly...
What the online encyclopedia has gained in responsiveness, completeness, and user engagement, it has lost in terms of the quality of its editorial design, typography, and illustrations. This...
Lab24, the visual area of Il Sole 24 Ore, has published “La Guerra dei chip”, a longform that explains why semiconductors are the most valuable and disputed piece of technology today, with analysis...
Since 2022, global reports of medication shortages have surged, affecting countries like Australia, Canada, USA, China, Japan, and Europe. Antibiotics, critical for saving lives, have been...
One of the societal challenges in high-income countries (HICs) is fertility decline below replacement level, driven by increasing childlessness (Zeman et al. 2018). For example, in Southern Europe...
In partnership with Hopelab, the Koko team turned to Data Culture to showcase the proven benefits of their enhanced crisis response tool. Using both CDC data, and results from Koko’s peer-reviewed...
Neurodiversity is a crucial topic that remains largely unexplored, despite it being part of our everyday world. As our understanding of the human brain evolves, it's essential to acknowledge and...
Health Care Cost Institute and The DataFace collaborated to create Health Care Vitals, an interactive dashboard that allows users to examine health care utilization trends across different...
The United States has joined more than 90 countries in a pledge to combat climate change and species extinction by safeguarding 30 percent of Earth’s land and water by 2030. These maps show areas...
With the evolution of technology, scientific knowledge, which used to be understood only by scientists, started to be transmitted to the general public through physical or digital artefacts...