This infographic introduces the function, the history, and the key features of Svalbard Global Seed Vault. The interactive map shows the origin and amount of seeds of the top 8 genera.
Unwanted Witness is a Ugandan civil society organisation on a mission - to spread the word that our right to privacy is under threat. It’s no easy task. Most people don’t realise just how much...
This project is called Unsub Extender, a free Python-based web application to analyze Unsub data.
Unsub is a collection analysis tool that many academic libraries use to analyze their journal...
Taste is a complex 4 dimensional experience. Different parts of the tongue, mouth and nasal cavity detect different aspects of flavour, scent and texture independently, yet together form a complete...
This animation has been generated using flight position data which has been sampled every 10 seconds from the OpenSkyNetwork.
It provides a journey in visualizing how busy the skies are early...
This short data essay merges personal data with scientific research about sleep. The visualizations reflect on my sleep patterns during the final semester of (remote) university in comparison to...
The 20th anniversary of the publication of the first draft of the human genome offers an opportunity to track how the project has empowered research into the genetic roots of human disease, changed...
As part of its 150th anniversary, Nature, the world’s leading science journal, collaborated with network scientists led by Albert Laszlo Barabasi at Northeastern University in Boston. The...
"Deep Space" is based on a hypothetically developed vision of the future on the planet Mars in the year 2100, assuming a dystopian past of the planet Earth and humanity and defining it as a search...
Social Media Development (Worldwide/China)
The way people access information is changing at a rapid pace of technology development, with social media gradually replacing traditional media...
Resurfacing the Past is a data-driven story that explores the naval history of World War II. Underpinning the story is a manually curated dataset of more than 15,000 sunken ships. By visualizing...
IEPS DATA is a state-of-the-art platform that democratizes health data to monitor and support evidence-informed policies in Brazil. It allows different stakeholders to explore, compare, monitor,...
The network contains R packages that contribute heavy dependencies to their child packages. Node size correspond to the out-degree, i.e., the number of child packages. The link represents the...
As part of my semesters project, I created infographics explaining the european interconnected system. The project contains three posters, a give-away product and one explanatory book. The aim of...
This project aims to activate and tune smartphone users’ material intelligence through stories and objects that provoke them to think about their relationship with their devices – and by extension,...
Wine and Math is a visual story trying to understand if a statistical model can help predict the quality of a wine based on its physiochemical properties like Acidity, Alcohol, pH, ...
The overall aim of the SENSES Toolkit — available under — is to make climate change scenarios more understandable, accessible, and usable.
Climate change scenarios are a...
This work sprung from a database on the titles of papers of NBER programs. I kept only papers between 1980 and 2020, removed stopwords, and unified some terms. Then, I obtained the 5 most used...
The spread of COVID-19 has shed light on the issue of alarming lack of access to hospitals for those living in more sparsely populated regions of the country. While those in urban and eastern...
This generative animation titled Perspective shows how many people in Singapore have experienced mental health issues in their life. Twenty silhouetted characters walk past the screen randomly, and...
A color- and artful visualization of the cumulative travel time by cosmo- and astronauts from the first space mission in 1961 to 2019.
The distance and the size of the points encode the...
At any one moment in time, thousands of measurements are being taken of the world’s weather. Across land, sea and sky, data is being gathered manually and automatically using a range of...
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint and Photoshop. The viz conveys a detailed analysis of the chemical composition of...
A free virtual experience for science communication that visualizes X-ray data of astronomical objects from the ESA satellite XMM-Newton. Data of over 1,000 astronomical X-ray sources generate...
This data physicalization (i.e. physical data visualization) illustrates the heat-dome-related deaths as reported to the BC Coroners Service between June/20/ 2021 and July/ 29/2021. According to...
The Zero-Emission Technology Inventory (ZETI) tool is an interactive online resource that establishes a current and shared knowledge base for worldwide commercially available offerings of...
Data shows why the volcanic lightning storm from the Tonga eruption was unlike anything on record. Reuters used data from a ground-based global lightning detection network to visualize the...
The Nobel Prize has been awarded since 1901. How strongly are women represented? Who were the youngest and oldest winners? And where is the best place to do research? A data analysis with creative...
The Climate Spiral is a data visualization originally designed by climate scientist Ed Hawkins from the National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading in 2016.
The present...
This data visualization focuses on the maternal mortality rates across the globe and sheds light on factors that play an important role in its prevalence, as well as causes of death.