An information graphic designed to tell the story of the Internet. This 28x72in banner titled, “The Internet: A Population” focuses on the number of people across the world who are connected to the...
Humankind has been launching satellites and rockets into space for 60 years, filling Earth’s orbit with masses of debris with China’s expanding space programme a major contribution to the issue. An...
Zhang heng, in the...
This map visualizes the orbits of more than 18000 asteroids in the solar system. This includes everything we know of that’s over 10km in diameter - about 10000 asteroids - as well as 8000...
The EEA has spent 25 years providing the information and analysis needed for a sustainable future. By recognising the complex nature of environmental and climate challenges, the EEA try to...
Adrift is an online Citizen Science project that enables participants to visualise the environmental conditions experienced by microscopic marine microbes as they are propelled around the globe by...
A VR app for laymen and astronomers that visualizes X-ray data of astronomical objects from the ESA satellite XMM-Newton. Data of >1,000 X-ray sources generate unique data objects. Their sizes,...
Rice is an important crop, especially to Asians.
This infographic aims to explore the change in terms of area used for rice cultivation, yield, export value and consumption rate of rice in the...
How can we measure the impact of the most important scientists on our society? Many factors can be considered: industrial applications, scientific prizes, etc. One of them is the analysis of their...
9/11 came as a gift to NSA, giving them more power and freedom to have mass surveillances illegally. And not just through eavesdropping on our phones, they’ve found a new weapon to invade our...
The infographic shows that, after excluding the geographical latitude factor which indicated the strongest correlation, the most significant correlation was between per capita car ownership and...
The GROW Observatory is a European-wide project engaging thousands of growers, scientists and others passionate about the land. For the Soil Moisture Maps project, we use local sensor and satellite...
The goal of this research project was to make it easy for adults with asthma to understand the results of their lung function test. The infographic is meant to be tailored with the individual...
We built an interactive map to look at the various ways that the UK sources its energy. It’s a broad subject with an elaborate system of connecting parts, but the majority of people understandably...
On the 1st of July, Shanghai started enforcing its compulsory domestic waste management. The city's regulation requires people to sort trash into four categories - dry garbage, wet garbage (kitchen...
Visual aids to help medical professionals understand the benefits, risks, and results of tests.
The guides ask in visual language: What difference will it make in the patient's life? What is the...
To create a "creative" recipe with AI, we challenged two things. 1) Finding the general theory behind ingredients' combination in food; and 2) developing an algorithm that understands cuisine style...
Britain's coal free record visualisation talks about how Britain is setting new records for going coal-powered energy. It shows the daily share of power generated by burning goal.
Artwork for Scientific American. The piece represents the menstrual cycle, visualizing the variables involved and their connections.
The visualization shows – as different layers of information –...
Majestic analyses billions of URLs a day to maintain a map of how the Web links together.
This map is valuable to digital marketers - however, the process of analysing linking relationships can...
This special project is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the first and only flight of the spaceship "Buran". The analysis of the flight goes into detail about the most difficult stages of the...
A new analysis conducted on startups failure data set available on* from 100 startups within a 23 years, shows only 3 out of 100 startups have remained active by the year 2017;...
Anaptár is a unique, informative poster calendar, which is a source of fascinating new discoveries. It provides lots of information beside enumerating days: visualizing data on the Sun and the Moon...
A series of graphics produced to compliment the main SR15 report on the impacts of Global Warming of 1.5°C. The FAQ graphics are intended to back up the graphics in the report and make the subject...
The next-generation mobile network promises faster internet, lower response times and the ability to connect billions of more devices. But as places like China, the United States, Australia and...
Sweet-to-look-at data visualizations of advertisements seen in one day.
This project focuses on the execution of 3 separate data visualizations that express the same data but in very different...