Artemisinin is the most effective means of treating malaria. For the knowledge of artemisinin and malaria, I use the information visualization form to graphically express the pharmacological...
A blockchain is a database that is shared across a network of computers. Once a record has been added to the chain it is very difficult to change. To ensure all the copies of the database are...
The story of climate change in the United States over the last 100+ years - specifically the level by which temperatures are rising (or not) - is a story told across millions and billions of data...
This map was a personal project where I wanted to see what were the correlation or attributes to pancreatic cancer. With this approach, an observer can get a sense of various factors.
Does age...
A web interactive collection of 115 illustrations of the most famous tall structures from 2600 BC to 2022. They in been selected for specific criteria: (1) former tallest structures; (2) tallest...
The interface project represents the visualization of the versatile and complex setting functions of the »Camera K-50 Pentax«. The objective was to find a self-explanatory pictorial description of...
COMMIT is a data visualization and sonification work created by Ren Yuan. By getting the commit history of more than 400 developers on the Processing, p5.js, and Processing for...
This is visualization of arbitrary vector fields. A vector field assigns velocity and direction to every point on a plane. I drop thousands of particles on a plane and let them flow according to...
A visualization of the next 30 days of near Earth asteriod approaches. The bigger the circle, the bigger the asteroid. The darker the circle, the closer it will get to the Earth. You can hover...
Despite generating breathless coverage throughout the year, bitcoin still baffles many. Follow the path below for a working sense of how the cryptocurrency that has shot up in value this year...
The airless chasm between Earth and the moon is so vast, stretching an average of 239,200 miles wide, that it'd take a 747 jet airplane flying at top speed more than 14 days to arrive. Even...
To everything there is a season, and diseases are no different. Google search patterns show us what health issues people worry about, when they worry about them, and how epidemics spread through...
The ABDI (Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development) and FGV (The Latin American Think Tank) conducted a series of studies to subsidize the elaboration of public policies and governmental...
After the Cambridge Analytica leak and the GDPR introduction in the EU, we became much more aware about our "data pouring". How big is the amount of data we give to Tech Companies for free? Is it...
These animated maps show how the warming climate is bringing ticks and lyme disease to Maine. This distills mountains of climate data into high density graphical displays.
In China there are three expressways that are among the most in the world. He has crossed most of the county and gathered the wisdom and sweat of many laboring people. After his success, the life...