People often talk about a dog’s behaviors as strongly associated with their breed or genetics. For example, the Golden Retriever is commonly thought to have a highly sociable, easy-to-train,...
We’re breathing microplastic, eating it and drinking plastic-infused water every day. Reuters sourced, shredded, weighed then visualised real piles of plastic to illustrate how much enters our...
The History of Space Exploration is hard to capture in one place, let alone define! Here you can view at a glance the growth of space exploration across countries and time.
Space exploration...
Data shows why the volcanic lightning storm from the Tonga eruption was unlike anything on record. Reuters used data from a ground-based global lightning detection network to visualize the...
This is an interactive infographic which visualizes years of “impact investing” (socially responsible investment) in a horizontally-scrolling timeline. The project is an updated version of an...
What we eat needs to be nutritious and sustainable. Our data visualisation for Nature’s feature shows how such ‘planetary health’ diet should look like according to researchers and how it compares...
The overall aim of the SENSES Toolkit — available under — is to make climate change scenarios more understandable, accessible, and usable.
Climate change scenarios are a...
This is a visualization of unicorn companies (companies with a valuation of over $1 Billion USD. This visualization demonstrates the sharp increase in the number of unicorns in recent years. This...
Nowadays, more and more females pay more attentions to their own body. They try different kinds of ways to lose weight, go to the gyms, try various healthy diets, even get liposuction. In response...
HIV is a global problem, but it is getting rampant in Russia. One of the key reasons is the lack of awareness and the taboo nature of the topic.
According to the UN, Russia has one of the...
Addiction recovery has traditionally been quantified by counting days of sobriety. This project is focused on showcasing a new measure being introduced to the addiction recovery community that...
In March 1965, Voskhod 2 and its two passengers spun around the Earth for just over a day. A few minutes of that remarkable journey made history. As the spacecraft made one of its 17 orbits,...
Two Soviet steppe tortoises had already flown around the moon by the time Neil Armstrong set foot on it in 1969.
Initial animal studies focused on adaptability to and logistics of travel as many...
To facilitate the creation and exploration of genomic and epigenomic visualization tools created at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, our team developed the St. Jude Cloud Visualization...
Over the last decades, the industrial processes behind animal food production have become increasingly complex and diverse. Nowadays, their description presents challenges of technical nature to...
AZUL is a grassroots organization working with Latinos to conserve marine resources. This data reflects a survey of US Latinos and their thoughts on climate change & ocean conservation in 2022
A collaborative research effort between three organizations — Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI), Duke University, and North Carolina Blue Cross Blue Shield (NCBCBS) — intended to shed light on...
This infographic introduces the function, the history, and the key features of Svalbard Global Seed Vault. The interactive map shows the origin and amount of seeds of the top 8 genera.
In 2017, a study sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) found that "alcohol use disorder" (AUD) had increased 83.7% amongst American women between 2002 and...
Social Media Development (Worldwide/China)
The way people access information is changing at a rapid pace of technology development, with social media gradually replacing traditional media...
The first thousand days of a child are the most important to guarantee healthy development. IMAPI is a Nurturing Care Municipality Index that combines over 100 metrics that are strongly related to...
The work takes "acupuncture" as the theme, and takes 64 kinds of diseases, 59 kinds of complications, 361 normal meridians, 52 ear points, 15 human meridians, 6 kinds of basic acupuncture methods,...
This dual language (English/Russian) digital artwork visualises the flights and fates of all the known Soviet Space Dogs.
The sad story of Laika, the first animal to go into orbit, is known...
The visualization presents monthly global temperature anomalies between the years 1880-2021. These temperatures are based on the GISS Surface Temperature Analysis (GISTEMP v4), an estimate of...
Online museum collections provide a treasure trove of objects to explore, and allow the public to view a much larger proportion of a museum’s collection than they could see by visiting the museum...
Over a century before the mis-marketing of OxyContin dominated news outlets, the nation faced its first widespread opioid epidemic. The emergence, exploitation, and eruption of both epidemics...
Where do cosmic X-rays come from? Every new unidentified X-ray source has the potential to revolutionise our understanding of the universe. Astronomers thus aimed at automatically classifying new...
At any one moment in time, thousands of measurements are being taken of the world’s weather. Across land, sea and sky, data is being gathered manually and automatically using a range of...
Degrees of Uncertainty is an animated data-driven documentary about climate science, uncertainty, and knowing when to trust the experts. Using cinematic depictions of past and future climate...