A visual representation of the demographic, economic and political power of each generation in Romania, along with the opportunities and challenges they encountered in their lifetimes regarding...
X-DATA’s Data Lab, a Mexican data analytics studio, is the place of experimentation that led to the creation of the first data visualization project focused on Mexican gastronomy and which was...
As a Veterinarian-turned-Medical-Illustrator, I’ve often struggled with how to clearly explain – to me and everyone else – how I transitioned from one career into the other. As a personal project,...
In 2021, I worked with a friend who wanted to give a special gift to her boyfriend. She asked me for an infographic and, instead of ‘making it’ for her, I made her a template so she could make her...
I’ve always had a special relationship of curiosity and affection towards languages.
Languages can be seen as living structures. They develop in a given context, they evolve, they change and...
Mom! For years, there was no other word I wanted to hear more. Three kids later, there may not be another word that I hear more often.
When the COVID pandemic hit Maine in March of 2020, my job...
Visual interpretation of gender inequality amongst Brussels streets. It shows that only 6% of Brussels streets are named after women.
The data and gender tagging is the result of combined effort...
This animation shows the early start of all public transport on Monday morning 16 November 2020. The date is not a specific choice.
However, the weekday is. Monday is the start of the (work)...
Have you ever wondered if you are using an app too often? Over 50 000 Tinder users did wonder and used our data analytics and visualization tool to find out more about their own dating...
We analyzed more than 382,000 headlines published between 2008 and 2021 from the top English-language news publications in India, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States to see how...
In the last years, the way people communicate has radically transformed: thanks to digital technologies, and in particular online platforms, new relational possibilities have opened up, together...
The Tuskegee Airmen were the first Black military aviators who fought in World War II for the U.S. Army Air Corps, a precursor of the U.S. Air Force. Their impressive performance earned them more...
I wanted to create a visual that highlighted two things as simply as possible: 1) the distribution of the world's population and 2) the locations with the highest population densities. That's how...
The Stamps In My Passport visualises all of the places I have visited in the world for both fun and work.
Supplementing the self collected data using travel itineraries, photographs and of...
During the Spring of 2018, the German artist Gunter Demnig placed a stumbling stone dedicated to Remo Obbermito right in front of the door of the Wild Mazzini data art gallery in Turin.
Before 2022 the electoral geography of Ukraine is narrowed only to the differences between several regions, mostly East and West. This simplification draws artificial boundaries. However, the real...
This data visualisation shows the municipal toponyms for which it is possible to suppose a genesis within a known ancient language, and therefore connect the foundation of each settlement to a...
I study modern interpretations of indigenous cartography, such as counter mapping, which maps away from dominant power structures and colonial hierarchy. This means story and narrative should not...
Passing your driving test is a challenging task but did you know some locations have easier to pass tests than others? I've visualised all driving test centre pass rates in the UK to find the...
My breastfeeding journey on my first born was extremely challenging and I had to overcome many hurdles. I went on to feed her for a year and found it to be a very rewarding experience....
Aisin Gioro Nurhachi was the founder of the Qing Dynasty. He had a remarkable military record all his life. With the time latitude as the logic and the space latitude as the clue, we deeply study...
This visualization story explores 25 accessible publications of British novelist W. Somerset Maugham from online library Project Gutenberg by using text-analysis method to investigate what are the...
During the pandemic and while working from home alone, I felt it was important to proactively set aside time for free thinking, away from deadlines and tasks. This graphic depicts one 15 minute...
We created visualization of the results of a qualitative service-design study conducted in a field of Finnish municipal integration services for immigrants. We turned study results into a...
In today’s rapidly changing world, the way children experience their surroundings is also changing fast. As the world is increasingly becoming more digital, globalized, and diverse, childhood is...
April 9, 2022 is a special day. A very close friend of mine gave birth to her beautiful baby boy. While being pregnant, she measured her weight every day. We have a long history of doing data...
How long does it take to catch the most wanted criminals in America? In this viz I dive into the history of the FBIs most wanted list and how long the suspects remained wanted.
The theory of multiple intelligences differentiates human intelligence into specific "modalities". This theory, developed by Howard Gardner and commonly utilized in education, does not specifically...
Dieses kleine Buch ist für dich (This little book is for you) is a German grammar book with a new approach to explain the language to adults learning it as a foreign language. The book uses a novel...