Manifest Destiny tells the story of the United States in 141 maps from the Declaration of Independence to the present. The visualization lets the user flip through more than 200 years of history in...
»Generating Utopia« is a realtime visualisation of social location data, made with Processing. Its aim is to show what human habitats could look like if it was possible to transform them...
State-by-State is the premier data product from Visual Data, designed to be an online destination for visualizing economic and political data about the United States. Targeted towards business...
Listen to Wikipedia is a visualization and sonification of Wikipedia's live recent changes data. The sounds indicate addition to (bells) or subtraction from (strings) a Wikipedia articles, and the...
An interactive that combines six separate polls and three sets of betting odds into one visualisation that gives readers an immediate insight into how the political temperature was tracking during...
This interactive tool was created to help people work out how much time they could save if they found quicker ways of doing things in their life. I used Tableau Public in a way that it isn't...
To celebrate 30 years of NatCen's British Social Attitudes survey we launched a new interactive data tool letting you explore 30 years of data on attitudes to the economy, welfare, morality,...
What does your cat get up to once it leaves the cat flap? BBC Horizon teamed up with the Royal Veterinary College and Lincoln and Bristol universities to investigate the secret life of domestic...
Project for display real time and interactive infographics, on touchscreeens positioned in various places of the city, of the data relating to air quality emitted from the chimneys of Terni...
Discovering a mythic competition through different interactive experiences based on data : geolocalisation of hundred years of stages (754 cities), exploring the careers of the 57 winners, gaming...
The Consumer Barometer is a global research project Google commenced several years ago, to provide insight into how consumers use online and offline media in their purchase process. Our main goal...
Rainfall Data Browser is developed at the Iowa Flood Center, University of Iowa by Dr. Ibrahim Demir. This interface creates visualization of radar and satellite based rainfall products projected...
How much time do you waste looking for a document or file at work? Imagine having a deadline approaching and your boss needs that document stat. What do you do?
We continued our collaboration with...
–Attention Radar' is a web app that visualizes large data sets monitoring political agendas of the Netherlands and the European Union. The data was collected by Montesquieu Institute in The Hague...
The Startup Universe displays and explores the relationships between startup companies and their founders and investors (Venture Capitalists) since 1990.
Visual agency Column Five has taken the Forbes's list of the 50 most valuable sports teams in the world and done with it what they do best, visualize it. The interactive piece lays teams out on...
SPOILER ALERT! Everybody dies in the end (as they did in Hamlet, as they did in the Titanic.... get over it). This interactive visualization explores the flurry of tweets that occurred after the...
An interactive data visualization produced on behalf of Sport England , the key objective was to show a more visually explorative way of presenting sports participation data alongside external...
A visualization showing ages of buildings in Ljubljana on an interactive map. Accompanied by an animation showing the evolution of the same city between years 1500 and 2013.
Other data sets about the Academy Awards tend to focus solely on predictions. Our visualization goes beyond to reveal the divergence in critic-public opinion. In the lead up to the ceremony, it...
The Global Peace Index interactive map visualises the Global Peace Index (GPI), a composite index that measures peace in 162 countries according to 22 indicators. The objective is to engage a...
What if we could see a baseball player's offensive stats all at once? These are radar charts, but try to think of them as fingerprints of offensive output.
This data visualisation project is a 3-dimensional interactive visualisation showing all depths and heights of the London underground system. The project is created in Unity and C#, using a comma...
This site provides the most comprehensive snapshot of the UK peer-to-peer lending to date. Using open data from the three biggest P2P platforms we highlight the regional geography of lending. The...
The British have always been obsessed with Class, and apparently we still are. The BBC's Great British Class Calculator has so far had more than 7 million page views.
The project began when the...