One of the leading Dutch websites in marketing,, asked me if I could design an infographic to come along with their annual report. 'And oh yeah, it will be online...
The visualisation was created to highlight the social impact building up to Kate Middleton's and Prince Williams Royal wedding.
The visualisations have a simple, clean and clear style that use...
Wiley commissioned this piece of work to demonstrate a selection of results from their recent librarian survey (see infographic in situ here
This infographic was created...
I started this infographic in the hope that if I could visualise James Joyce's Ulysses—considered one of the most complex works of modern literature—I could visualise anything! This was a...
As part of an ongoing project to tell fictional stories through Data Visualisation, I thought I'd see if I could tell the story of the Hobbit through charts and infographics with the war between...
Gangnam Style and Harlem Shake are two of the most recent viral phenomena on the Internet, generating thousands of spin-off versions and billions of views. Pulsar TRAC's Content Tracking technology...
Each glass of lemonade represents weather information for Toronto in August 2012. It compares the daily temperature to all the days of the month, as well as to what the temperature was on that same...
"Il Film della Partita" comes from the possibility of telling a football game, only with the help of statistical data, for a direct understanding and above all "not conditional" argument. The...
If the world were a village of 100 people, what would its composition be? This set of 20 posters is built on statistics about the spread of population around the world under various classifications.
The Cerberus Fossae are a set of west-north-west trending fractures that cut across the Cerberus Plains on Mars. The Cerberus Plains are located approximately between 1550 E and 1800 E and between...
Dogs show the greatest variation of size of any domesticated species; from the smallest dog living standing at just 10.16 cm (4 in) tall to the more than 10 times bigger Zeus who's shoulder height...
ghg worked with Save the Children to communicate the impact and prevalence of child malnutrition around the world, particularly in developing nations. As a leading non-profit organization...
This TNS UK research document gives an overview of consumer attitudes, concerns and behaviours on food. The team worked hard to turn the potentially dry data into an engaging design through...
I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to meet with palaeobotanists from the National Museum in Liverpool, giving me first hand experience with fossilised plants from millions of years ago...
In the latest collaboration with Namesake, we visualized the takedown of Osama Bin Laden and his last hour on Earth. After nearly a decade, justice for 9/11 was served.
Countries with large demographics have obviously more athletes to pick from and thus will collect a larger number of medals. This infographic aims to show which countries were the real winners at...
It can be difficult to imagine what a cell
looks like!
Circles within blobs are the common diagrammatic images I remember from science lessons. These impenetrable visualisations confounded me.
The Cabinet Office commissioned TNS BMRB to disseminate the results of their survey based on the public perspective on community and charitable giving. We interpreted these findings in the form of...
This personal project is inspired by the urban farming movement. The hand bound book acts as a reference guide on the indoor, year round, urban farming method, Window Farming. The book visualizes...
The project started with a walk of little steps through the forest of server infrastructure, big data and nuclear power stations. It continued with forming an estimate of electricity used by the...
Businesses can take one of four paths to growth: They can acquire new customers, increase loyalty and new spend, innovate new products and services or enter new markets. One of the oldest ways to...
The global health community has united behind the Global Vaccine Action Plan -- a shared vision and roadmap for the Decade of Vaccines -- to reach all children, no matter where they live, with the...
I created this project for a school assignment last spring, in which I was given the freedom to make an infographic about absolutely anything. I had never made anything like this before, and I...
The rising power of the Latino vote in the US was a significant theme in the last US election, but not one widely explored via the use of data visualisation. The BBC Mundo team gathered the data...
8 Phases of The Moon is an educational infographic poster explaining what causes the different phases of the moon during the Lunar month. In addition, the graphics illustrate the difference ...
This information graphic was shown in the annual Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2011. The number of wealthy people at the top of the pyramid equals about one percent of the global population....