Al-Quran, or the Holy Quran, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad more than 1400 years ago. Despite being unchanged since then, very little exploration has previously been made to the statistical...
The markets have always been influenced by a series of external factors. But how, and in what manner? This infographic compares the impact of one main event per month on the monthly closure of the...
Access to adequate health care is crucial to social and economic development, as healthy human capital fosters productivity and economic growth. This scrollytelling interactive tracks global...
The project gives a new perspective on the world and the »Democracy Index« by The Economist. Usually, we compare countries on a map. This is reasonable as their geographical position and shape is...
An International migrant is a person who is living in a country other than their country of birth. The number of international migrants worldwide has continued to grow rapidly in recent years due...
India has the biggest democracy in the world with 543 constituencies, each having fierce competition among the national as well as the regional parties. In 2019, more than 600 million people voted...
"War Filings" shows the density of explosions on the Syrian territory from 2015 to 2017. The data, gathered in the Global Terrorism Database, are represented through the metaphor of ferromagnetic...
Does size matter? I built a data visualization that focuses on small countries. The visualization shows the six World Governance Indicators, the ranking on the Human Development Index, the number...
Group information assignment, featuring data from the group survey of 1200 real data points. The main vision in the form of visual chart directly reflects the relationship between visible and...
If Venezuela hadn’t introduced a new Bolivar note and removed five zeros from the currency a stack of notes to pay the minimum wage would have stood almost 20 metres high. We use visual comparisons...
A visual representation of how Brexit began to fragment Prime Minister Theresa May's party over time. After analysing the voting patterns of 650 members of British parliament on how they swayed,...
“If 2017 looked like the year when moderate politicians took back Europe, look again.” So kicks off Bloomberg’s stunning interactive graphic mapping the rise and reach of the populist far...
In a “Tempestry,” each color represents a temperature, and each line, the daily high temperature in a specific location. Put together three-hundred-and sixty-five of these lines, and you get a...
Since German reunification, millions of people have left the eastern part of Germany, triggering a demographic crisis. Data now shows exactly what happened – and why there’s cause for hope.
South America urges for more conservative governments. What showed first in Argentina and Brazil has been spreading across the continent. As political parties usually play a minor role in this...
The number of protests around the Globe increased significantly in the past three decades. Since 1990, citizens' resistance and disagreement has been fueled not only by economic, social and...
The Jan. 14 sinking of the tanker Sanchi was the worst oil shipping disaster in decades. Thirty-two crew died in a tragedy that has tarnished the industry’s gradually improving safety record. Here...
The world has almost doubled its energy consumption since 1980. While renewable energy resources such as solar and wind power are getting cheaper to build, much of that demand growth has come...
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing represents almost 15% of all world fishing products and is valued at around $17 Billion.
To fight this problem, GI-TOC and Poseidon Consulting have...
The infographic shows which parties (represented by the vertical rectangles) the two candidates who competed in the second round of the election in Brazil passed by. The distribution of these...
Vi(c)e organique offers a pathway for discovering the informal networks of influence that developed, starting in 2013, from consultations aimed at defining European environmental objectives for...
According to the 2013-2018 public announcement and other media reports of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Processing Information System of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of...
The project shows representatives by party and by gender highlighting women in each party. You can see the inequality of men and women in the house of representatives of the United States during...
Almost half of Americans believe that immigrants make crime worse. But the data tells a different story. This visual piece examines the relationship between immigration and crime in American cities...
Living in Texas, I had spent hours watching news coverage as Harvey made landfall and slowly crept its way inland towards my city. Fortunately Austin was spared, but as the bayous in Houston...
Since the election, President Trump has made 31 specific claims about companies adding or saving American jobs thanks to his intervention. We went back to see what’s become of those announcements.
A data story that leverages video, quotes, and an array of data visualizations to share what it's like to be one of the roughly 25 million shiftworkers in the U.S. - that is, individuals who from...
Penguins dashboards shows the different species of Penguins, their locations and the information about each species. 82% of the species are from Antarctica.
Each year, US cities give thousands of homeless people one-way bus tickets out of town. An 18-month nationwide investigation by the Guardian reveals, for the first time, what really happens at...