Each year, US cities give thousands of homeless people one-way bus tickets out of town. An 18-month nationwide investigation by the Guardian reveals, for the first time, what really happens at...
With the continuous development of the high-speed railway in China, it is divided into eight vertical and eight horizontal lines. We choose one of the horizontal "shanghai-kunming railway" and...
Drug trafficking infiltrated the national export logistics to control farms, packers, transport routes, shipping companies and ports. Hidden in containers with fruits and vegetables, they sail...
After Donald Trump wrote on Twitter that it would be easy win a trade war against China, we created an interactive game that explores that claim. Our project introduces readers to classic game...
Twitter has become the venue for political outreach, international diplomacy, whitehouse personnel announcements and other important political communications. In this piece, we analyze the concept...
Emmanuel Macron's new political party 'En Marche' changed everything in the french political landscape ; the classic left/right division is no more, as the two historic left and right parties faced...
As Marijuana becomes more legalized and accepted within the global community, and as e-cigarettes such as Juuling are on a rapid rise, it is worth the time to make a closer examination at how these...
“If 2017 looked like the year when moderate politicians took back Europe, look again.” So kicks off Bloomberg’s stunning interactive graphic mapping the rise and reach of the populist far...
When senator 'X' votes a 'Yea' or 'Nay' what are the chances that senator 'Y' would do the same? This tool allows you to find out the similarity in voting patterns of senators of the 115th Congress.
A major nationwide investigation that revealed how in seven states victims of crime who apply for victim’s compensation to help with funeral expenses, lost wages and hospital bills are rejected if...
With sky-high consumer confidence, historically low unemployment and a growing economy, retail should be booming. Yet more chains are filing for bankruptcy and rated distressed than during the...
Water is a bare necessity to us humans, and with the population explosion and rampant industrialization all around the world, we stare down the imminent Day Zero. Water, as we know it, will no...
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ monthly jobs report is an important measure of our economy’s health. But much of the news coverage overestimates the importance of early numbers that are subject to...
“Art of the March” is an online archive and visualization of 6000 protest signs collected after the Boston Women’s March on Jan 21, 2017. As the largest collection of contemporary protest signs...
The Jan. 14 sinking of the tanker Sanchi was the worst oil shipping disaster in decades. Thirty-two crew died in a tragedy that has tarnished the industry’s gradually improving safety record. Here...
An onion shortage crisis occurred in India in 2010. There were large outbursts and nearly toppled the ruling government. This is a piece attempting to deduce the reason for the crisis.
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Since the election, President Trump has made 31 specific claims about companies adding or saving American jobs thanks to his intervention. We went back to see what’s become of those announcements.
Vi(c)e organique offers a pathway for discovering the informal networks of influence that developed, starting in 2013, from consultations aimed at defining European environmental objectives for...
After the policy of “The Belt and Road Initiative” has been put forward, we take the information design of the number of people entering China as the theme, and use the illustration to show the...
A mounting number of opioid addicts are encountering a deadlier and deadlier supply of drugs. The resulting death toll continues to rise despite years of alarms and efforts to intervene.
The HICP is the best economic indicator of the real cost of living across Europe. However most people don't know about it.
In a self initiated project we took the challenge of introducing the...
An interactive network map about the main political ideologies and their related economic and social doctrines.
Each ideology is linked to some specific octrines about economy, socaility, work and...