Warming Warning immerses visitors in a three-dimensional visualization of ongoing climate change. On one side, the > 1.5 °F change (since 1880) in global average temperature is highlighted...
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing represents almost 15% of all world fishing products and is valued at around $17 Billion.
To fight this problem, GI-TOC and Poseidon Consulting have...
Reuters deployed its own teams to Hong Kong's July 1 march route to gather data on the number of protesters passing through. The project provided a new perspective on crowd size in the city.
The markets have always been influenced by a series of external factors. But how, and in what manner? This infographic compares the impact of one main event per month on the monthly closure of the...
The project is based on two studies and combains the data about political violence incidents and the INFORM Global Risk Indexes.
The objective is to create a sensitive, regularly updated and...
The Trump administration has made repeated attacks on climate science, hitting policymakers, scientists, and the general public alike with a united rhetoric that claims climate change is nothing...
A year into the economic war between the U.S. and China, all signs are that the conflict will continue to get worse, with both sides raising tariffs and signalling an unwillingness to...
With the collapse of investment bank, Lehman Brothers, the 2008 Financial Crisis became full blown economic downturn which eventually led to the worst financial crisis since The Great Depression of...
The election of November, 2018 ushered in the new 116th Congress of the United States of America. This visualization attempts to answer the question, “How diverse is the 116th Congress?” It does...
The Philippines has been experiencing rapid economic growth in the past 10 years, yet there is a huge contrast between economic development and poverty incidence among the regions. Did the rural...
Reuters scraped and stored counting data every few minutes from all 543 seats in order to visualise how races were won in the Indian Election. This granular data was turned into animated charts to...
Harvard Growth Lab’s Country Complexity Profiles is a first-of-its-kind tool that revolutionizes how to think about economic strategy, policy, and investment opportunities for over 130 countries....
This work is made for our client, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Team. As the client requested, and to suit our target audiences' reading habits, it is a mobile-only version, so please watch it on a...
India has the biggest democracy in the world with 543 constituencies, each having fierce competition among the national as well as the regional parties. In 2019, more than 600 million people voted...
ZEIT ONLINE has enabled the graphic analysis of all speeches held in the Bundestag, Germany's parliament, since 1949. The interactive application show when which issues were debated and how...
Meltwater from Greenland’s ice sheet contributes about 0.8 millimeters a year to global sea level rise. That number might sound insignificant but it is accelerating, and part of a trend that could...
Some countries (most of them "great" democracies) invest a lot of money in their military spending and the production / transfer of arms. I used processing (well, p5.js) to visualise the top 10...
Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $134.7 billion (current, or noninflation-adjusted, dollars)...
It is no surprise that wealthy, industrialized nations consistently perform well on indicators of government-influenced social progress. It is more interesting to examine countries' performance on...
The size of protesting crowds is a contentious issue in Hong Kong. In many large protests, the headcounts estimated by police and protest organisers have been dramatically different.
The infographic shows which parties (represented by the vertical rectangles) the two candidates who competed in the second round of the election in Brazil passed by. The distribution of these...
Aragon covering an area of 47720 km2 (18420 square miles), the population of Aragon was 1.308.728(INE 2018) but the population of the city of Zaragoza(capital city) was 666.880(INE 2018) and only...
Kim Jong Un’s policy of nuclear brinkmanship is based on North Korea’s ability to build and launch ballistic weapons with nuclear payload. We assess and map the country's efforts to fulfil this...
Last year, Quinnipiac University polled Texans on the Senate race between Democrat Beto O'Rourke and Republican Ted Cruz, which Ted went on to win. The poll asked about the issues and...
The project shows representatives by party and by gender highlighting women in each party. You can see the inequality of men and women in the house of representatives of the United States during...
A visual representation of how Brexit began to fragment Prime Minister Theresa May's party over time. After analysing the voting patterns of 650 members of British parliament on how they swayed,...
With the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts is likely to be the median justice. How has the ideology of the median justice and chief justice shifted over...
If Venezuela hadn’t introduced a new Bolivar note and removed five zeros from the currency a stack of notes to pay the minimum wage would have stood almost 20 metres high. We use visual comparisons...