Illegal gold mining activity has risen sharply over the last five years in Brazil’s indigenous Yanomami reservation in the heart of the Amazonian rainforest, a Reuters review of exclusive data...
Visualizing AidData's publicly released dataset of country-to-country development finance activities (includes ODA, OOF flows, Equity Investments, and Export Credits) from 1973 to 2013.
The first map represents the distribution of femicides in the city halls of Mexico City and municipalities of the State of Mexico registered from 2015 to 2022.The second map shows the location of...
August marked the happening of Pride in Amsterdam! During this event, the worldwide LGBTQ+ community, as well as all their supporters, came together in Amsterdam for 9 days to celebrate diversity,...
The Atlas of Sustainable Development Goals 2018 presents maps, charts, and stories related to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It discusses trends, comparisons, and measurement issues...
The 2022-23 drought in the Horn of Africa has caused devastating, irreversible damage to families and communities, as well as the urban centres and natural ecosystems that are meant to support...
This infographic compares the cost of living to purchase power in each state. There are countries, like India, where prices are low and purchasing power is well above average. One explanation here...
Professor Alison Siegler, and her team at the Federal Criminal Justice Clinic of the University of Chicago conducted an extensive examination of federal pretrial detention. What they found when...
Trafficking of girls for sexual exploitation from Nigeria to Europe is one of the most difficult streams to fight. Italy is among the main destinations for this business. The phenomenon, however,...
Journalist dying on the job in different countries is a tragedy recently marked by Shireen. I wanted to highlight every life lost on the job and by country, giving a voice to those who have always...
From the false emergency of the migrants of the climate, from the countries that host more refugees to the reasons they escape: the coordinates to orient themselves in one of the most complex...
During the civic-military dictatorship of Argentina, political prisoners were held in navy ships and stadiums, in office buildings and police stations. Military bases expropriated houses and...
By the end of 2022, the number of refugees globally stood at 35.3 million, an increase of more than eight million from the year before, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for...
Climate change is reshaping our world. Across Africa, climate change is already increasing forced migration and displacement, referred to as ‘climate mobility’. It is estimated that by 2050 up to...
Completed as part of the #VizforSocialGood community project, this data visualization showcase the amazing work of Video Volunteers, a non-profit organization focused on empowering India's most...
Nowadays, most Europeans take clean drinking water for granted. Yet, in the pan-European region alone, about 19 million people still do not have access to improved water sources and 67 million...
Across the relationship that exists between the brain and human emotions, there is a spectrum that goes beyond the tangible; To explore it, we present this project with the aim of breaking down the...
In 2022, 108.4 million people were forcibly displaced due to conflict, persecution, violence, or human rights violations. This includes refugees under UNHCR's mandate, internally displaced and...
Migration Trail follows the journeys of two fictional characters: David, from Nigeria and Sarah, from Syria. Their stories are told via maps, data visualisation and social media, in real time over...
A hybrid visualization combining a line chart and moon charts to illustrate the black population and the share of black people living in freedom in the United States from 1790 to 1870.
The main...
For most of the 12 million people living with disabilities in Iran, basic needs such as healthcare, education and transportation are inaccessible. One of the main reasons why is because Iran has...
Between 1973 and 2013, $367 billion of development aid has been distributed worldwide. Who has provided aid, and who has received it? This deceptively simple graphic shows the flows of global...
This work is inspired by a similar poster by W.E.B. Du Bois. It shows links between slavery ports that dispatched people from Africa toward Brazil. The thickness of the line is proportional to the...
Modern slavery effects 21 million victims on any given day. Exploited Hopes and Dreams in Modern Slavery explores the story of two victims in Switzerland and brings to light how traffickers prey on...
In Brazil, couples that want to adopt children need to go through an extensive examination and backround check. After they are accepted into the adoption proccess, they also need to fill a form in...
My visualization is showing survey results for the MyWorld survey looking at people’s perception on the successful (or not) achievement of sustainable development goals. As a part of the UN SDG...