Climate change and global warming is suddenly very real when you take a look at this interactive map that brings together all the Earth’s natural disasters since year 2000. Flooding is a number one...
Exodus is an Information-visualization that attempts to uncover the causalities behind the movement of refugees who have migrated from their homes to new lands, from the top 11 countries with a...
The 360Giving Trend Engine application allows users to quickly explore the UK grant making landscape. Users can browse who has funded which themes and track the location of grants recipients over...
Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims fled to neighboring Bangladesh since violence erupted in Myanmar’s Rakhine state on August 25, 2017. The exodus was sparked by a fierce military response...
We developed a series of video/motion graphics for UNITAID, an international organisation that invests in innovations to prevent, diagnose and treat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria more quickly,...
Up to 79,000 Mexican migrants has been deported from the US back to Mexico. This view shows each record graphically to gain a better understanding of the data. Who they are, born city, skills,...
Information can be beautiful... why not stunningly beautiful? I wanted to mesmerise and captivate hearts as well as minds, inviting people to watch and interact and uncover - and trying to breathe...
Trafficking of girls for sexual exploitation from Nigeria to Europe is one of the most difficult streams to fight. Italy is among the main destinations for this business. The phenomenon, however,...
The data portrays the impact of workplace safety on employees and company performance. A safe working environment can maximize working time and productivity. It can also reduce the companies...
Funding Trends is a free and interactive web app visualising data to present key trends on donations from UK grantmakers and a dedicated dashboard for each funder. It uses a variety of...
As Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, FiveThirtyEight looked for a way to visualize how long the road to recovery can take. New Yorker’s 3-1-1 calls since Hurricane Sandy showed us that the...
This page lists media reports, collected by Google News, about hate crimes and bias incidents. The “keywords” column contains names and places found in the news reports in the “articles” column....
Modern slavery effects 21 million victims on any given day. Exploited Hopes and Dreams in Modern Slavery explores the story of two victims in Switzerland and brings to light how traffickers prey on...
For most of the 12 million people living with disabilities in Iran, basic needs such as healthcare, education and transportation are inaccessible. One of the main reasons why is because Iran has...
Migration Trail follows the journeys of two fictional characters: David, from Nigeria and Sarah, from Syria. Their stories are told via maps, data visualisation and social media, in real time over...
360Giving has launched a visualization challenge to answer questions to help funders to maximize their impact on the charitable causes they support. Such questions intend to give a better...
The so-called refugee crisis puts the EU to the test and gives an impetus to extreme political currents. But how many refugees are we talking about? Where do they come from?
We elaborated a...