For this project I designed an infographic about the Mosque Cathedral of Cordoba. The main inspiration for the project were architectural blueprints. I used different tools such as graphics,...
Three days before the biggest flood in modern Australian history inundated the Northern Rivers, Lismore City Council was told by the NSW government that its concerns were “premature”. It was the...
In the Netherlands there is a dataset available containing outlines of buildings and their (assumed) construction date. This animation shows how urban development sped up significantly after the...
Soil data is sampled at point locations (e.g. machine drill, excavation). For each location numerous attributes are recorded and often samples taken that are analyzed for a multitude of properties...
Road kills often occur at night when vision is less clear.I imagined the desperate eyes of animals lying on the road after being hit by a car.Design with the shape of the pupil.Pupils shrink when...
This visualization shows the changes in energy consumption for 60 countries over a 50 year period. Each chart shows not only how total energy consumption has changed over that time, but also how...
The aim of this Instagram carousel is to sensibilise people around the theme of threatened species.
Madagascar is the first country with the highest number of threatened species in the world....
‘See how global warming has changed the world since your childhood’ sets out to shift people's understanding of climate change from an abstract future problem to something that is deeply personal...
The Great Baoen Temple is located outside the Zhonghua Gate, Qinhuai District, Nanjing City. It is the oldest Buddhist temple in China's history. The glass tower of the Great Baoen Temple is also...
This dataviz shows different types of forest fires in Russia over time. You can see how the dynamic of them changes over tie among different territories.
Winemakers are some of the most seasoned climate scientists in the world. Agricultural techniques required for harvesting grapes accumulated over decades (sometimes centuries), coupled with precise...
As our access to fresh water becomes threatened and the demand for virtual water is increasing, the need for understanding and knowing our virtual water footprint is essential. This series of...
The map centres on the North Pole with the black circle representing Earth's northern hemisphere. The dark blue represents the minimum extent of sea ice in the Arctic in 1980. The mid blue...
Ever noticed what’s outside a classroom window? Schools in Austin can apply for City of Austin grants for school-based projects that could include up to eight environmental areas. These areas...
This data visualization gallery shows the sunrise and sunset times around the world. See how the night and daylight areas change during a two year period. To focus on the length of nights the y...
It’s very easy to become overwhelmed by the climate emergency, the numbers quoted in news reports are so immense and the steps needed to genuinely tackle it seem so overwhelming.
We wanted to...
Back in the 1970s, activist Jane Jacobs theorized urban vitality and found that there are four conditions required for the promotion of life in cities: diversity of land use, small block sizes,...
The project was done in partnership with Open Development Mekong to draw attention to pressing developments of the region that will ultimately affect the most disadvantaged. It also attempts to...
AirQ visualizes near real-time data and historical data of concentration on particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM 2.5) in diameter in the air. The portal allows users to spot global...
The poster started with the idea that carbon dioxide is like a shadow on the earth. I produced the infographic in the hope that South Korea will achieve its 2030 reduction goal to drive out the...
Modum is a series of large format canvases that explore the rhythm of commercial activity. By plotting scraped business location data, a new kind of data landscape is created: a self portrait of a...
Imagine there is a new universal eco-rule: that the right to easily enjoy beach access derives from your plastic waste management. The more plastic you feed the ocean, the farther you walk to the...
An immersive exhibition focussing on the use data as a creative medium to tell stories about people & place.
Our brief was to design an immersive permanent exhibition space that uses data to...
Our methodology, termed as "streetonomics", is a form of computational social science that studies human behavior and cultural trends through the quantitative analysis of street...
Layers of Bangladesh is a three dimensional artefact enabling an interactive exploration of data relating to climate change in Bangladesh. It takes as a reference point web-based data...
In 2020, walkability became an urgent necessity for people living in urban areas, due to the mobility standstill brought about by the coronavirus pandemic. Inspired by the renewed interest in...
Protected natural areas of land and water in the UK and Ireland.
This includes areas protected by international, European and national laws.
Even on our crowded islands, we can provide...