Nearly 27% of the Netherlands is below sea level with a vast network of polders and dykes keeping the North Sea at bay. Where the cyan and magenta shapes meet it reveals this immense area of land...
As our access to fresh water becomes threatened and the demand for virtual water is increasing, the need for understanding and knowing our virtual water footprint is essential. This series of...
The Arctic seascape plays an important role in North American trade and defense; however, in recent years, the Arctic has undergone radical changes, altering current shipping routes and opening up...
More trees to save the climate of cities is an interactive longform developed by Dalk and published by the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore to explain how and why trees, and urban greenery in...
This map crosses the natural protected areas in continental Portugal with the species richness, which is the number of species within a defined region, observed in different groups.
The data was...
Smoke California wildfires in 2020 covered the entire U.S. West Coast before spreading out over the Pacific Ocean. The smoke also travelled thousands of miles east, turning skies from New York to...
The oceans are full of rubbish: around ten
million tons of plastic flood the world's oceans every year. Single-use plastic is mass-produced but rarely recycled. The structures for collecting and...
Climate change and its impact on the planet is a topic that can NOT be talked about too much.
With this visualization, I wanted to draw attention to climate change through the story of Polar...
National Hurricane Center data for Miami, Washington, D.C., and New York City show development happening in at-risk areas, even as climate change brings more frequent and intense storms. This story...
It often seems we're having two conversations about climate change, one about the science, and one about the politics — with the audience left trying to join the dots between the two. This story...
Three days before the biggest flood in modern Australian history inundated the Northern Rivers, Lismore City Council was told by the NSW government that its concerns were “premature”. It was the...
The circular visualizations show the average daily temperatures from 2011 to 2020 for selected major cities around the world. The cities were purposefully selected to represent different seasonal...
The Global Innovation Index provides an innovation ranking for 130 economies. It is a leading reference for innovation and a tool for action for most economies.
The UAE ranked 33rd in 2021’s...
Where do the people with the lowest salaries live, and where the people with the highest? Zeit Online shows the development of the past 20 years for all municipalities.
Accessibility is one of the drivers of health behaviours. This user-friendly interactive viz looks at location-related accessibility to facilities which may enable healthier lifestyle in Singapore....
The scale and destruction from Australia’s 2020 bushfire season were unprecedented, fuelled by a prolonged drought that left the Australia’s east coast tinder dry.
The physical scale of the...
This is a collection of notebooks about drawing and animating ‘waterlines’—an old technique for showing water in maps—in JavaScript. The notebooks walk through different approaches in code, connect...
Heartbeats. is an info-art piece to make the heartbeats of animals visible and audible. More than 150 species of animals are going extinct every day. Perhaps considering the beating, breathing...
How much CO2 is emitted by producing wheat versus beef burgers, or by taking a transatlantic flight, or by different countries each year, or by the global shipping industry?
The media throws...
With roots stretching back more than 100 years, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has proved to be one of the world's most intractable. Through animated maps, we explain how the political boundaries...
This data visualization explores the age of buildings in New York City by decade, from the early 1800s until the 2020s.
It uses geospatial data, tracing the blueprints of every building in NYC....
The visualization is created using Tableau software, and some design elements are created with MS PowerPoint. The viz shows the rain weather events across the United States. The data coverage is...
A data-driven portrait of UAE’s milestones, population, and GDP over 50 years.
Data is powerful. When used correctly, it can tell an even more powerful story. Using 379 data points i.e. 50 years...
Numerous statistics show Bucharest is one of the most polluted cities in the European Union. In addition, it ranks second in terms of the social costs of pollution, including premature death. To...
What's one of the first things you think of when you think of moving or visiting a new place? If you said climate or weather, you're right! According to the National Centre for Atmospheric Science...
This visualization explores the growth in Las Vegas hotel room inventory, from 1970 to 2018. It highlights notable hotels which have opened and closed during that time, and how they in turn...
Climagon is a website which allows its visitors to select various datasets (temperature, precipitation, sea ice, sea temperature) and select a location within the range of the dataset. The site...
I took the gps positions of vehicles from a small route here in Toronto and graphed them as dots progressing around a circle instead of dots on a map. Then I change the radius of the circle to...
An interactive map of Moscow in which you can explore the different periods and styles of architecture. In this work I wanted to share the architectural variety of Moscow, demonstrating through...