Follow the Brick Road is an engaging look at the roads of Cincinnati, which ultimately focuses on the brick roads of the historic district, an area that was once rated at the most dangerous...
This dashboard on moon missions was created with Tableau based on data from Wikipedia. It includes three visualizations: little white stars (bar chart), representing the number of launches which...
Citygraph is a chart to visualize and analyze urban structure. It is a based on 3D model of a city. All buildings have exaggerated heights and shifted on map to a 10-kilometer zone
(to reduce...
The Green Party is on the road to success. In the European elections, they got a phenomenal result in Germany. But choosing Green doesn't always mean living ecologically. Less rubbish, more green...
Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has made possible the expansion the mapping to previously unmapped areas, thanks to technological advancements such as Web 2.0 and satellite imagery....
We can learn a lot about a city and the everyday life of its inhabitants by looking at its mobility: spatial patterns show its zonification, modal distribution talks about socioeconomic...
The map and chronology of Chinese history take the map and chronology of Chinese history as the main information chart. We mark the major historical events and times of relevant geographical...
"An Atlas of Space" is a collection of ten maps designed in Python using open data from NASA and the USGS. The designs include a map of 18000 asteroids in the solar system, topographic maps of each...
Planet’s goal of imaging the entirety of the Earth every day became achievable with the unprecedented fleet of small satellites, called “doves”. The animation showcases one day in the life of these...
Any visualization is a Rorschach test with each viewer seeing something different. Although the era of geographic discoveries is long gone, each of us can still become an explorer via automatically...
The average person on earth would live 2.6 years longer if the air contained none of the deadliest type of pollution. Your number depends on where you live.
The entrant has supplied multiple...
The seas cover 71% of the Earth and are home to the vast majority of living things on the planet. Water temperatures are rising.
In a five part series, Reuters looks at the implications of the...
Nowadays, tourists are more aware of rental accommodation options in their selected destinations. Airbnb has seen a phenomenal rise in Europe, and this dataviz highlights a few trends to give an...
This map visualizes a monumental canal that runs from San Francisco to the far reaches of northern Canada carrying hipster goods during the holiday season. The data used to create the map was...
Not all flights are equal. Because of time zones, flying from Los Angeles to New York City feels like an eternity, but New York City to Los Angeles is a breeze. “A flight against time” shows how...
This map shows the many places mentioned in interviews with Anna Patipa and Jacob Brodman, two Holocaust survivors. You can follow the sequence of places in their accounts by noting the number of...
This is a visual information map of the tour around Yellowstone Park. A tour route was drawn up in the information map, including nine recommended sites. How far are they? What are the recommended...
In October 2018, the first official Central Park Squirrel Census was conducted in New York City. The project — which involved 323 volunteer Squirrel Sighters and took two years to plan, execute,...
When a train starts running from one station to the next station, conceptually, these two stations will temporarily be closer to each other. And that is exactly what this visualization shows:...
XXXY City (Triple X, Y City) is a data visualization project analyzing the difference between women and men in New York City on seven factors – education, occupation, income, age, sex...
The map associates the prevalence of diabetes in London neighborhoods with the diversity of nutrients of 1.6B grocery purchases. In terms of diabetes prevalence, socio-economic conditions matter...
Since 1976, the Ebola virus has killed nearly 15,000 people. Though most out the epidemic covers large swathes of Sub-Saharan Africa, it has plagued countries the Democratic Republic of Congo and...
Using Tableau and Mapbox to map 100 years of Platypus sightings in Tasmania. This map highlights where further areas of protection are needed to help protect this wonderful species.
This interactive infographic captures the beauty and of population both at the country level and for each continent. Hovering over a country will highlight the country in the map key at the top....
We've created a detailed interactive map and analyzed recent election results in over 80,000 regions of Europe. We found many patterns – from the radical left to the extremist right.
Apart from waypoints and natural jet streams, there are many man-made constraints such as political, legal and financial restrictions on airspace. Countries use airspace to collect fees or leverage...
This deeply researched piece debunks the popular myth of the Northern route becoming a global shipping artery through the Arctic. Detailed shipping, bathymetric and ice coverage data, presented in...
Sea-level rise poses a global threat to coastal species around the world, as critical habitat is steadily consumed and fragmented by rising waters. This threat is particularly stark in the case of...
Every year Russia produces 70 million tons of waste, a tenth of which comes from Moscow. Garbage settles in landfills. RBC observed as landfills grew around the capital.
23 landfills around...