Inspired by the polygon aesthetic of Pasquale D’Silvia's Trianimals & Bryan James’ Species in Pieces, this visualization creates animal images programmatically (in pure code), without...
New York City's urban forest provides numerous environmental and social benefits, and street trees compose roughly one quarter of that canopy. This map shows the distribution and biodiversity of...
As a companion piece to our static Oscar Dresses infographic, we created a larger interactive piece that looked at all the dresses female Hollywood icons had worn to the Academy Awards. The move to...
I am a freak for the American road trip. And I'm not alone, as some of this country's best writers have taken a shot at describing that quintessentially American experience. “There is no such...
“Who is the greatest singer?” is something which is debated endlessly. Data alone can’t easily answer this question, however there are data points which can add to the conversation. So, when Head...
Using the publicly available transcriptions of all Academy Awards speeches (from, we analysed 450 speeches made by Best Actors, Best Actresses, Best Directors, Best Supporting Actors,...
China's imports overall are down by 14.6% over 2015. Find out what happens if this decline continues for the rest of the year - or worsens - and how that loss compares to each country's...
The visual below shows how often each key gets pressed relative to the rest for a given piano piece. It is a piano-looking histogram, so I named it a Pianogram!
Minimal Maps is an ongoing project that explores how richly-detailed single subject maps can give us new imagery to understand our landscape. The data is accurate for the year 2014 and explores the...
Spread artwork for Wired US Infoporn section (August 2015 Issue).
The map shows hurricanes in America since 1900, color-coded according to category and power.
Source: NOAA
MHA@GW, the online master of health administration offered through the Milken Institute School of Public Health at the George Washington University, created this data visualization to compare...
Our baseball chronology series was developed for an exhibit featured at the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2015. The series of four prints shows a visualized history of the major leagues: which teams...
The National Park Service created models of sound level and night sky conditions for the coterminous U. S. to assess resource conditions in national parks and adjacent landscapes. These models...