Comparative analysis between the number of smokers and total population of the european union member states. The indicator is defined as the number of current tobacco smokers among the population,...
Experience the amazing story of how Apple created the iPod, iTunes, and other related products. Ten years of iPod and iTunes history in a magnificent looking radial chart, down to the last detail:...
360 is an exploration into whether it
is possible to draw a perfect circle freehand. This idea was sparked after reading an article about a 15th Century artist named Giotto, who was able to do...
With an Electronic Document and Records Management System the Tower Hamlets Community Healthcare Services will save up to 20% of their time spent looking for information stored in paper form.
The idea of 'home' to me is an intriguing one - many people associate it with a constant physical location, but in my case, my location was constantly changing.This infographic is aimed to chart my...
This work visualises nearly 95 million casualties of war from the 20th century. Data made available by The Polynational War Memorial make clear that war was a near-constant characteristic –...
Yet fistulas are almost entirely preventable. Johnson & Johnson, in partnership with United Nations Population Fund, are working on the Campaign to End Fistula. By ensuring the availability of...
While Wikipedia is a most modern creation, its content reflects a historical accumulation of facts and attention. This map of London shows the density of articles in Wikipedia associated with...
We analysed one day of news on Monday 19th March 2012 from three British newspapers The Sun, The
Guardian and The Daily Mail. Using the raw information, we broke down the genres and allocated...
This infographic compares each of the different James Bonds to see which actor is the most popular. Each Bond is laid out on a (literal) target to enable comparison across categories ranging from...
A portrayal of recurring sounds in the “Sirens” chapter of Ulysses. The implied musicality of this chapter, coupled with the mechanistic-if-it-were-not-intentional recurrence of certain words,...
This visualisation was the outcome of my struggle to understand travel behaviour in London. The scale of London's transit system is daunting, and I came up with many complex approaches to the...
These new city maps are formed by –connecting the dots' between stores of major brands, such as McDonalds, Starbucks, The Body Shop etc. By linking them and covering the area between them the image...
The Governance Lab (The GovLab) aims to improve people's lives by changing how we govern. The research think-tank seeks new ways to solve public problems using advances in technology and science....
Spotlight is a series of occasional think pieces harnessing the power of the Firefly Millward Brown global network. One of the strengths of Firefly is the ability to quickly call on the expertise...
Everything that happens on Wikipedia is recorded, and as such, constitutes data - a signal that can be parsed for meaning. Looking at the number of times a given article is edited, only for the...
A visualisation produced for Ofsted to accompany their Access and Achievement Report. The visualisation looks at how low income backgrounds can affect the employment prospects of students in England.
It appears that we are witnessing a global health crisis. According to the World Health Organization, malnutrition is the greatest single threat to human health in developing nations. Yet this...
The History of Chrome illustrates key milestones in the browser's history, the technologies that have emerged since it launched, and the meteoric rise in users who count on Google Chrome as their...
Originally held at Olympia in Greece between the 8th century BC and the 4th century AD, the Olympic Games returned in 1896 after a 1500 year hiatus. A few sports have been featured on every...
The Oberhaeuser calendar 2013 is a printed wall calendar 100x70cm big. Each color-ring represents one month of the year. Federal holidays (United States) are highlighted with an icon and white...
Comic-book superheroes battle bad guys. But the two main comic publishers fight commercially in even tougher ways. Alongside the release of 2013's summer superhero movies, The Economist produced a...
Over the course of one calendar year I recorded all of the beer I consumed. Keeping track of particular brands of beer, the types of beer, when it was consumed, and how many were consumed, this...
Visualisation of all fallen and found meteorites between 1900 & 2000. The graphic gives a special view on meteorite findings by comparing time and longitude on a radial axis. This kind of...
Held every two years, the Gold Cup is CONCACAF's marquee tournament and a chance to crown a champion of North and Central American soccer. The 11th edition of the tournament provides a stage for...
This visualization focuses on fictional comic book characters who are adherents of real-world or fictional religions. Also, as an American genre, superheroes comic books closely represent American...