Every day, New York City’s 5.5 million commuters seed the city subways with bacteria from the food they eat, the pets or plants they keep, and their shoes, sneezes and unwashed hands. No two subway...
During the 2015 Superbowl 2.6 million tweets were being published about predictions for the game and about the coveted $4 million advertising spots during the event. In the thick of this action,...
Members put their codesign in common resources , both to
share contacts and reach as many but above all to pool
expertise of design trades and allow a common drafting and
shared primordial...
Projects in the fields of communication design, visualization and design research for national and international clients as well as self-initiated and non-commercial...
Visualisingdata.com provides readers with a rich variety of content that charts the development of the data visualisation field. The site is managed and edited by data visualization specialist Andy...
When that first August kick happens, he carried our hopes.
When we needed to endure, he made sure we presisted.
When we thought all was lost, we looked to him.
He always fought for us.
Population.io aims to make demography – the study of human populations – accessible to a wider audience. Demographic data can play an important role in understanding the social and economic...
One of the leading subreddits for the dataviz community, r/dataisbeautiful is a place for discovery and discussion of any visual that effectively conveys information.
The Colorado River — the most important water source for 40 million people in the West — is draining. For a century, seven states engineered ways to wring ever more water from the river, defying...
This animation shows the Earth’s warming climate, recorded in monthly measurements from land and sea over 135 years. Temperatures are displayed in degrees above or below the 20th-century...
We give far too much credence to individual statistics on social and economic well-being. Take the poverty rate. That statistic tells us the share of the population below a specific income...
The Homicide Monitor is the most comprehensive publicly available dataset on murder in the world. It is a data-driven data visualization tool designed to show the distribution, dimensions and...
Work inspired by a passion for complex data visualization and information design. Uses the principles of those areas and combines them with UX and UI expertise to create new digital experiences.
In the early euphoria following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Germany moved quickly to erase the scars of its Cold War division. But East Germany’s legacy remains visible in...
Minimal Maps is an ongoing project that explores how richly-detailed single subject maps can give us new imagery to understand our landscape. The data is accurate for the year 2014 and explores the...
As a companion piece to our static Oscar Dresses infographic, we created a larger interactive piece that looked at all the dresses female Hollywood icons had worn to the Academy Awards. The move to...
This year's edition of PRB's annual World Population Data Sheet provides the latest data on 20 population, health, and environment indicators for the world, major regions, and more than 200...
Posters exploring a selection of data on life in Geneva: what paths do people follow? How much activity is there in each city district? How much at night?
This infographic is an attempt to present Boston subway information to help people in Boston better understand the trains, how people use the trains, and how the people and trains interact with...
Using somewhat subjective definitions of "at war" -- Korea counts but Kosovo doesn't in our analysis, for example -- we endeavored to figure out how much of each person's life has been spent with...
This infographic portrays the result of a survey of almost 500 authors, journalists, editors, students, and media and marketing professionals, from best-selling authors, asking them: who is the...
Where is the population of Europe actually growing and where is it declining? This map provides a picture of unprecedented detail, showing population growth in 119,406 municipalities from 43...
To celebrate the World Cup 2014 in Brazil, we created this interactive infographic that depicted every shirt worn by the 32 competing teams at every world cup they'd qualified for. Extensive...
This is a look at a few of the top musical artists in the UK and US. Visualised for each artist is their country of origin, top 25 hits (in either the UK or US), and the country the song peaked...
It’s the biggest news in the global economy right now: oil is cheaper than anytime since 2009. And the impact is as obvious as the sign at the corner service station, where gas is down to an...