Manifest Destiny tells the story of the United States in 141 maps from the Declaration of Independence to the present. The visualization lets the user flip through more than 200 years of history in...
Grevilleas are members of the Protea plant family and are widespread across Australia. Colour palettes of Grevillea flowers were extracted from photographs, and linked to occurrence records sourced...
Upon learning about the upcoming launch of London Live, a new local TV station in London, Kantar Media wanted to investigate how this news had resonated with Londoners. Our infographic helps us to...
360 is an exploration into whether it
is possible to draw a perfect circle freehand. This idea was sparked after reading an article about a 15th Century artist named Giotto, who was able to do...
This 7.5 foot wide poster shows the complete statistical history of the New York Yankees baseball team -- every hitter, every pitcher and every season in the more than 100-year history of the team.
Color research in movies. We held a survey concerning colors presented in several films by means of calculating the amount of one or another color shade appearing during the whole movie. That's how...
This sculptural data visualization generated from the forces of wind is an exploration in new media art centered around the concept of creating tangible artifacts from intangible forces.
»Generating Utopia« is a realtime visualisation of social location data, made with Processing. Its aim is to show what human habitats could look like if it was possible to transform them...
This data visualization is an exercise in creating a multivariate display using disparate but overlapping scales. Five variables are reported: quarter (of the year), total venture capital...
Cartographers are tasked with making the physical world understandable through graphical display. Abstract spatial data is given context and translated through elements such as north arrows, scale...
Fracking is a controversial topic. On the one side the gas drilling companies, on the other citizen opposed to this drilling method. Politicians are also divided on the matter. We try to take a...
This TNS UK research document gives an overview of consumer attitudes, concerns and behaviours on food. The team worked hard to turn the potentially dry data into an engaging design through...
This infographic explores personal narrative. It is a story of what my parents have in common and how it may have contributed to my existence. Both my mom's and my dad's fathers passed away...
The project started with a walk of little steps through the forest of server infrastructure, big data and nuclear power stations. It continued with forming an estimate of electricity used by the...
A day before I was given a brief to present information on a personal habit over a period of a week I started a very bland and uninteresting low carbohydrate diet because I have previously been...
State-by-State is the premier data product from Visual Data, designed to be an online destination for visualizing economic and political data about the United States. Targeted towards business...
I wanted to map out the complicated and various notes, taste descriptions of wines and their food pairings. I created this to help me make better choices in bringing the right type of wine to...
Emoto captured and visuÂalÂised the global response around the London 2012 Olympic Games on Twitter. The project consisted of an interactive online visualization, realtime data-journalism...
The rising power of the Latino vote in the US was a significant theme in the last US election, but not one widely explored via the use of data visualisation. The BBC Mundo team gathered the data...
The foremost social network focused on professionals, LinkedIn gathers valuable information on individual job-seekers, job-holders, and businesses worldwide. We work with LinkedIn to highlight some...
Dogs show the greatest variation of size of any domesticated species; from the smallest dog living standing at just 10.16 cm (4 in) tall to the more than 10 times bigger Zeus who's shoulder height...
Listen to Wikipedia is a visualization and sonification of Wikipedia's live recent changes data. The sounds indicate addition to (bells) or subtraction from (strings) a Wikipedia articles, and the...