Living Ruins is a fictional environmental campaign aimed to educate people about the multitude of benefits that coral reefs bring to tourism, fishing industries, coastline and biodiversity...
This visualisation explores the phenomenon of global “brain drain” in science, with an eye towards understanding the reasons why researchers might choose to leave their countries of origin and...
The visualization shows the disease alerts from 03 August to 01 November 2012. You can select the name of a disease on the left then see the alerts by continent.
Mobile advertising is on the rise. Millward Brown Brasil developed a study to understand more of this universe. Share of time spent has changed with the possibilities brought by smartphone...
The Brandwatch Eurovision tracker displayed Twitter buzz about the Eurovision Song Contest during the live final on Sat 18th May 2013. It categorised conversation based on the topic of chat,...
TNS UK produced a report to illustrate the findings from a MENE study, this consisted of several 'killer fact sheets' which communicated activity levels in the UK natural environment. The client...
World renowned author and businessman Steven Brill has detailed what a huge mess the U.S. is in regarding health care, hospitalization, procedures, and drug costs, and postulates what we can do...
Rainfall Data Browser is developed at the Iowa Flood Center, University of Iowa by Dr. Ibrahim Demir. This interface creates visualization of radar and satellite based rainfall products projected...
We couldn't resist this one. We admit it. We love MINI. Most normal car brands don't have much personality, but MINI is not normal. It's feisty, it's fun, it's joyful and it's not afraid to be...
This series of maps examines regional dialect variation in the continental United States. For each of the 122 questions in the Harvard Dialect Survey, the composite map shows which dialect variant...
This personal project is inspired by the urban farming movement. The hand bound book acts as a reference guide on the indoor, year round, urban farming method, Window Farming. The book visualizes...
A portrayal of recurring sounds in the “Sirens” chapter of Ulysses. The implied musicality of this chapter, coupled with the mechanistic-if-it-were-not-intentional recurrence of certain words,...
If you moved abroad, what would you want to know? In the world's largest expat survey, run by HSBC, people living abroad answered questions relating to their finances, quality of life, and even...
Emoto captured and visuÂalÂised the global response around the London 2012 Olympic Games on Twitter. The project consisted of an interactive online visualization, realtime data-journalism...
This timeplot is a visual history of the Supreme Court of the United States from the original six justices in 1789 to the present-day nice-justice Court. It combines biographical information on...
Urban World helps navigate the unprecedented global wave of urbanization. Users can compare GDP, population and household income for more than 2,600 cities worldwide, in 2010 and in one scenario...
What if we could see a baseball player's offensive stats all at once? These are radar charts, but try to think of them as fingerprints of offensive output.
For our wedding invitation I designed a 18 x 24 screen printed infographic that works as an invitation, program and menu. The poster was designed with the rehearsal dinner invitation as the bottom...
An experiment in sign and icon design, made for the Arboretum in Gothenburg.
We wanted to see how far you could simplify the maps and information on the arboretum in Gothenburg. The image shows to...
An outbreak of green algae, or hutai in Chinese, has invaded the seawaters off eastern Shandong. It looks harmless and lots of fun, as beachgoers are pictured frolicking in the green mass. But...
This book is a series of vignettes that takes the reader across a bibliography of works of fiction. The diagram represents that bibliography in alphabetical order. The red path describes how the...
A visual representation of Psalm 119 in the original Hebrew (The Westminster Leningrad Codex) with English, using the World English Bible version. This immense infographic-like display reveals...
Persua created this infographic for the Confederation of European Paper Industries (CEPI).
The aim was to briefly illustrate the history of papermaking in a clear and visually interesting way.
This gas price ranking visualizes gasoline price data from 61 countries. The information is sorted by average fuel price and by pain at the pump, which measures the percentage of a day's wages that...
Ancient Chinese inventions include many common items in use today, amongst them paper, silk, matches, gunpowder, and even toothbrushes. The graphic looks at some of these inventions, sorting them...
This visualisation was the outcome of my struggle to understand travel behaviour in London. The scale of London's transit system is daunting, and I came up with many complex approaches to the...
This was a project for my personal blog 'design and dragons' about design and Wales. Having moved to North Wales a couple of years ago and being asked a lot of questions about Wales, I wanted give...