A team of data and graphics reporters spent months talking with experts, analyzing and visualizing historical tornado data, and creating detailed explanatory graphics in order to explain a shift in...
The visualization effectively replaces the pdf print annual report of this society, which consisted of text and tables only and had little appeal, even though it contains important information on...
Dogs show the greatest variation of size of any domesticated species; from the smallest dog living standing at just 10.16 cm (4 in) tall to the more than 10 times bigger Zeus who's shoulder height...
At the beginning of this year I created a custom data visualization that anyone can use to track goals throughout the 2023 calendar year. This template can be used for personal daily goals,...
Making the quantity of all human produced objects feasible which circulate around our planet might be difficult to imagine. So we built a storyline that picks up the subject from different...
Design Brief: During the Covid-19 pandemic, Northeastern University launched the #protectthepack campaign, which used a variety of media to keep students, faculty, and staff informed, connected,...
The map of nesting biogeography is based almost exclusively on nesting data that were provided by members of the
WIDECAST network to create the Atlas of Sea Turtle Nesting Habitat for the Wider...
The History of Space Exploration is hard to capture in one place, let alone define! Here you can view at a glance the growth of space exploration across countries and time.
Space exploration...
New research shows that Supreme Court justices are more likely to vote in line with their ideology when casting a pivotal vote. The findings raise serious questions about the neutrality of the...
183,947 is the number of terrorist attacks on earth since 1980, the year that John Lennon was murdered.
Dear Dreamers,
I have included the film rolls that I took from the 183,947...
Duke Lemur Center houses several hundred lemurs, many of them endangered species. This table explores of 27 of the species of lemur that have been housed there, showing the number of males and...
On April 14th, 2003, the Human Genome Project announced the successful sequencing of approximately 20,000 human genes. Since then, genomics has profoundly impacted public health. Despite the...
Throughout 2018, users of Spotify have streamed countless hours of their favorite songs, artists, playlists, and podcasts. Now, I am looking back to determine the music trends that defined the year.
The wolf in our living rooms. How much wolf is left in man's best friend?
This poster visualises the genetic relationships and diversification of dogs since their domestication from wolves.
Perception is often far from reality, particularly in an era in which fake news and unverified information are distributed globally with no semblance of control.
The most significant consequence...
Originally, this project was a way for Severino Ribecca to develop a knowledge of data visualisation and use as a reference tool. It was then made available for use by anyone in a field that...
Today, by simply walking in the streets of Cairo or tuning into one of the national TV channels, one is captured by hundreds of real estate billboards and TV ads that share certain characteristics....
During this pandemic watching the Daily Show hosted by Trevor Noah and wearing hoodies have been two things that brought me joy. This project is a celebration of the colorful rainbow of hoodies...
Explorer of the top-rated games on boardgamegeek.com. My two main motivations were: (1) create separate leaderboards for games of different complexity (because the Top 100 page on BGG is dominated...
The three infographics pages in the Annual Report of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) provide a vivid insight into the diverse funding activities of the Foundation in 2018:
An overview...
The Ring Central Global Business Activity Visualization was designed as a large-screen lobby display showing the aggregates global business activity data (including phone, text and Glip, a...
The 'Map of Every City' is a study of history, the urban fabric, personal experience and gentrification applied to the medium of a traditional city street map. Through its universality, it...
The fingerprint is a hyperdense visual representation of the structural composition of a jupyter notebook article published in the Journal of Digital History. It functions both as an overview of...
This quilt is an exercise in data crafting and physicalization that represents the home countries of figure skating World Championship medalists for the past 10 years (2013-22). My process involved...