Until the upheaval of 2015, Europe was home to the world’s most open frontiers. But within months, a messy effort to halt a mass flow of migrants fleeing wars in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan...
This animated chart tracks the U.S. economy sector by sector, and follows employment and wages since 2006, just before the crash. The circles indicate industries, sized by their average number of...
The use of chemical weapons is banned under international law and could constitute a war crime. International investigators have concluded that sarin, chlorine and sulphur mustard gas have been...
What does trade within NAFTA look like? Driven by trade data from the UN Comtrade dataset, this interactive explorable analysis of trade within NAFTA profiles trade over time and across commodity...
In the context of understanding the complex phenomenon of violent religious radicalization, this map details the journey of ISIS’ foreign fighters to the territories of the Caliphate, as well as of...
Public Safety data in Brazil is a difficult subject, almost impossible for a regular person to grasp. The data is spread across different government agencies and, more often than not, the agencies...
To understand what the gap means in people's every day life, I compared the time it takes for men and women to earn those wages. In each occupation, how many weeks at a male's average salary does...
This visualization explores the history of American leadership, displaying a timeline of every past president and charting their lives from birth, through education, career and presidency.
This data visualisation is part of my project which is an awareness campaign on the environmental effects of food consumption, especially beef, which is one of the most inefficient forms of food....
This latest visualization has its genesis in this reddit thread. I wanted to represent the data therein in a way that would be easier to compare than a print-screen of an Excel table. As time went...
The interactive chord chart explores the international trade of vegetables, animals, and food products between the top 15 import and export countries from 2005 to 2014. Each chord represents the...
Our election forecast used interactive charts and maps to show the constantly changing state of the 2016 presidential race. We used multiple forms -- including several types of charts and maps --...
Never before has Twitter played such a prominent role in an election. If Clinton or Trump wants to say something or react to news — even if it's at 3 a.m. — they don't need to coordinate a press...
The visualization shows the 45 US Presidents cronologically ordered, divided by parties (Democrats or Republicans) and by mandate’s duration.
For each President are visualized how many times...
Inaugurate is an interactive guide to presidential inauguration speeches through the lens of Google Search, built by Jan Willem Tulp of Tulp Interactive in connection with the Google News Lab and...