In 1984 Apple introduced Macintosh for the first time. In the 1984 ad, the big screen, which was presented as a metaphor for collectivism and censorship, was broken down into small individual...
The impact of changing demographics and social change.
This was the overall theme of ING Bank online magazine The View, issue 8.
The request was for an animated infographic that explores the...
President Trump declared that the United States would leave the Paris climate agreement, following months of infighting among Trump’s staff that left the world in suspense. He said he hopes to...
Electionland is a project to track and cover voting problems during the 2016 election. It’s a collaboration between ProPublica and the Google News Lab, WNYC News, CUNY Graduate School of...
Hillary Clinton surpassed Donald Trump by more than 2 million votes, but lost the electoral college 306 to 232. In raw votes, it was the largest popular-vote lead in history for a candidate who...
Who would the rest of the world vote for? A data-driven digital experience visualizing “soft” and “human” data to discover the world’s interest in the 2016 US presidential candidates.
By looking...
The 15th Shangri-La Dialogue kicks off in Singapore on June 3, with a keynote speech by Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-Ocha. The region’s most prestigious defense meeting gathers military...
The inaugural address contains the first words uttered by a new president. It is an untarnished moment during which the American leader can set the presidential tone, inspire a country, put an...
The data shows the number of foreigners removed from the United States has been increasing for several decades. Trump’s hard-line stance might not be the fundamental shift in national policy as it...
Visualizing polarization in the US Supreme Court from the 1946-2015 terms. Justices are color coded by the party of the appointing President and sorted in order of decreasing perceived conservative...
Since 2000, China has provided upwards of $160 billion in development finance to the energy sector for foreign governments across the globe. To understand the scope and breadth of these...
The interactive chord chart explores the international trade of vegetables, animals, and food products between the top 15 import and export countries from 2005 to 2014. Each chord represents the...
Padma Awards, which were instituted in the year 1954, are announced every year by the Government of India on the occasion of Indian Republic Day. The award is given in three categories, namely,...
The Documenting Hate project launched in response to the lack of national data on hate crimes. While the FBI is required by law to collect data about hate crimes, the data is incomplete because...
Data from a civil rights group shows that reports of hate incidents involving American mosques jumped sharply in 2015 and has remained at the same rate since — about once every three days.
After the world-wide financial crisis 2008, banking regulation almost doubled: This collection of texts now contains over two million words on thousands of pages. Its purpose is to prevent states –...
The Belgian outdid team GB’s Jessica Ennis-Hill, the defending Olympic champion. Breaking personal best after personal best, she gave the performance of a lifetime to steal the crown from the...
Less than two weeks after taking office, President Donald Trump announced that he was nominating Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Roughly two months later, he was confirmed by the Senate.
How do people search for candidates and political topics? And what are they really interested in? Wahl 2Q17 uses Google Trends to visualize the Google Search interest in the top candidates of the...
The timing of price moves in British markets suggeststh some investors are informed about sensitive, unpublished economic data; a phenomena traders have complained about for years. We visualized 5...