Visualization of 1.500 individuals and organizations connected directly and indirectly to Donald Trump.
The data comes from an investigation by Buzzfeed.
North Korea’s military parades are an impressive sight. They can also give away important information about the regime’s capabilities and ambitions. Here we deconstruct all of Kim Jong Un’s major...
The U.K. wants to negotiate a sweeping free-trade deal with the EU to replace its single-market membership after Brexit. But the data show it's not in a great negotiating position. We visualized...
President Trump declared that the United States would leave the Paris climate agreement, following months of infighting among Trump’s staff that left the world in suspense. He said he hopes to...
But there’s another factor that probably plays into how deluged we seem to be with news: Every time something happens, major or minor, our phones vibrate with an update — often from multiple...
Obamacare’s insurance marketplaces are in a precarious position.
Aetna quit the Obamacare marketplaces last week, leaving Nebraska and Delaware.
In Iowa, a smaller plan called Medica has...
It wasn’t a big surprise, but it was a big deal — so much so that North Korea issued commemorative stamps. Two successful missile launches in July almost certainly proved that the country had...
The attack by IS-related groups on the Philippine city of Marawi has highlighted the increasing presence of the militant group in Southeast Asia and has set alarm bells ringing.
No sitting American president traveled outside the country before Theodore Roosevelt traveled to Panama in 1906 to see the construction of the Panama Canal. A century later Air Force One regularly...
Padma Awards, which were instituted in the year 1954, are announced every year by the Government of India on the occasion of Indian Republic Day. The award is given in three categories, namely,...
Donald Trump’s rise from joke candidate to Commander in Chief was extraordinary. As Delayed Gratification is a Slow Journalism magazine, which reports on events at least three months after they’ve...
When Donald Trump took office on January 20th, 2017, he was already known for his tweeting — Slate even called him the best. Known for his strong interjections and his 140-character feuds with...
This is the animated story of the rise, and the eventual fall of the self-proclaimed IS caliphate. The video was produced by the largest news organisation in the Netherlands, NOS. It came about...
The goal of this project is to use data to allow people to explore an average financial situation under a variety of constraints. We often hear comments by politicians or opinion writers that if...
Electionland is a project to track and cover voting problems during the 2016 election. It’s a collaboration between ProPublica and the Google News Lab, WNYC News, CUNY Graduate School of...
Over eight months into the Mosul offensive, Islamic State militants have been dislodged from all of the city. The fall of Mosul marks the end of the Iraqi half of Islamic State’s self-styled...
The "Trading with Trump" infographic focuses on global trade and what stocks would initially benefit when Trump started his presidency based on what he has said during his campaign.
Of Trump’s...
News Clump is a news aggregator designed to promote critical thinking among news readers.
The aim of this website is not to tell you what to read, but to provide a platform where you can...
Less than two weeks after taking office, President Donald Trump announced that he was nominating Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Roughly two months later, he was confirmed by the Senate.
The use of chemical weapons is banned under international law and could constitute a war crime. International investigators have concluded that sarin, chlorine and sulphur mustard gas have been...
An $834 billion cut to Medicaid, the government’s health insurance for the poor, is the biggest single change in the health-care bill that the US House of Representatives passed in May and the US...
The Documenting Hate project launched in response to the lack of national data on hate crimes. While the FBI is required by law to collect data about hate crimes, the data is incomplete because...
In 2007, the Kushners bought a flagship Manhattan tower at 666 Fifth Ave. for a record $1.8 billion — mostly with debt. An investigation into their finances reveal a real estate company overwhelmed...
The map of America’s gun violence epidemic can seem overwhelming. There were more than 13,000 gun homicides in the US in 2015, across nearly 3,500 cities and towns. But the toll of this gun...
Never before has the state lost so much money through tax trickery. How did the largest tax scandal in postwar German history come to pass? We have the details.
In recent years, an increasing number of terrorist attacks have shocked communities around the world. Many of the gravest attacks have occurred in nations often overlooked by Western media, such as...