Designed as an A4 printed giveaway graphic for delegates as well as a vehicle for presentation purposes at the COP23 Climate change meeting in Bonn. This is an update on previous graphics to...
This explainer-piece breaks down for an international audience why the US-midterms are important, how they function and what has been the party-wise trends over the years. Also, it looks at related...
Melbourne provides some of the country’s best food and entertainment, but not everyone has access to it. Over half the buildings in Melbourne CBD alone are not accessible to people in Wheelchairs...
This is a portrait of the Earth in time and space – designed to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Voyager missions which departed Earth in 1977 bearing a record of our existence etched into...
The theme is delicate and the work speaks for itself. Small details that make all the difference when we transmit information. take a deep breath and take a look at this breathtaking data...
This bilingual atlas provides for the first time a comprehensive, easily accessible and detailed overview of all Arab-Palestinian communities in Israel. All maps were specifically designed for this...
Walt Disney's water themed ride, "it's a small world", promotes world peace and unity. This visualization mimics Charles Minard's map of Napoleon's Russia campaign of 1812. The design juxtaposes...
In Iran, at least 28 prisoners held on politically motivated charges have died in state custody due to beatings, denial of medical care or gross negligence on the part of state authorities since...