The Goldilocks principle states that something must fall within certain margins, as opposed to reaching extremes. When the effects of the principle are observed, it is known as the Goldilocks...
As climate change alters habitats and disrupts ecosystems, where will animals move to survive? And will human development prevent them from getting there? This map shows the average...
Twenty-four solar terms is according to the sun in the ecliptic (the earth's orbit around the sun) on the position of the change and develop.
Twenty-four solar terms can reflect the change of...
Since the 1990s, there have been a number of public health interventions to encourage people to quit smoking This combined with a constant increase in the price of a packet of cigarettes has seen a...
80 Minutes in a Locked Room is a personal influence map. I decided to tell a story about my adventures in a locked room maze. In the infographic, different moods and behaviours are represented...
The worst coral bleaching event in recorded history currently threatens reefs across the globe and scientists warn the situation may not improve anytime soon.The threat to corals around the world...
Since 2008 I create network visualizations to better understand how communities work. In this article I take a look at how verified Twitter users are connected and who they are.
Today’s AFL grand final players are the product of sports scientists on the quest for the perfect competitor.
The average grand finalist has certainly changed a lot over the years. ‘Mullets,...
The visualization shows the collection of historical drawings by Frederick William IV alongside a thematic and temporal arrangement. The aim was to highlight thematic and historical connections...
State of the State is an initiative where Deloitte analyses open data using advanced analytics techniques to gain insights that have a social impact. This year one of the theme’s that was studied...
When a company or government agency suffers a data breach, the number of records they say were lost are often preliminary estimates, whether they say so or not. Typically, the investigation has...
This project was inspired by, a wonderful collaboration between Giorgia Lupi and Stefanie Posavec. We, Jeffrey Shaffer and Andy Kriebel, decided to follow in their footsteps and...
Robin considers herself to be strong, stable, and composed, and she also cries at the drop of a hat. She records, analyzes, and visualizes 394 outbursts that occur over a year and a half to gain a...
People travel not just more frequently, but increasingly far and quickly. Mapping the connections between all the airports worldwide is a fascinating network visualization exercise.
A network, in...
The design work is based on my students' work of Data Visualization Design. using daily records of emotional impression, my expectations on homework, and feedback as data to make a re-information...
The book “The Atlas of Gentrification” is a collection of data visualizations, graphs and maps which respond to the phenomenon of gentrification and related issues, such as segregation and income...
Billionaires are the richest of the rich. Many young entrepreneurs hope to one-day reach this ultimate financial milestone. But before these entrepreneurs are allowed to join this group, they first...
Artwork for "La Lettura", the cultural supplement of "Corriere Della Sera".
The visualisation shows the Pulitzer Prizes in Journalism awarded in the last 100 years. The main topic for each winning...
Shelter-me-not is an infographic art installation visualizing the housing issues of Syrian refugees in Lebanon, highlighting the ways in which shelter is tied to the experiences of both personal...
Eloise was born across town at the same hospital as Dorian. Hospitals, as it turns out, are full of data visualizations. We were at the hospital for some routine tests when the adventure began....
The electoral map is many shades of Republican and Democrat—and always shifting. Which states have moved to the middle, and which are slipping out of reach for the opposition party?
The digits of Pi are assigned mass and placed uniformly around a circle. The simulation calculates the gravitational forces between all mass pairs and moves the masses accordingly. When masses...
This research facilitates the understanding of each node’s features through Heatmap visualization in creating network visualization, and suggests a clustering of nodes by connecting the sentiment...
Sonnet Signatures visualizes each of Shakespeare's 154 sonnets by charting the letters used within each one. The signatures are not meant to assign meaning but to inspire others to think about...