RAW is an open web tool developed at the DensityDesign Research Lab (Politecnico di Milano) to create custom vector-based visualizations on top of the amazing d3.js library. Primarily conceived...
Infographics show median voting scores, representing participants tastes since 1994 till 2013. Outcome flow shows voting statistics, how one country participant voted for another, while income flow...
Are you past your prime? To explore this question, we plotted the lives of 177 creative thinkers and the ages at which they each completed one notable work, discovery, or product launch. Our...
Berlins Slogan was created by this mayor Klaus Wowereit: "Poor, but sexy!" But in the last years more and more founders came to Berlin. So many startups settled down in Berlin. This infographic...
Every second of your life you are under attack. Bacteria, viruses, spores and more living stuff wants to enter your body and use its resources for itself. The immune system is a powerful army...
With five different data sets from three different sources we can get a sense of how Manhattan's at work and at home populations change throughout the day to create a breathing city.
“Flights to Milan” visualizes the daily flights to Milan from all worldwide cities. Expo 2015 will be hosted in Milan, Italy. It is important to show how the city is connected to the rest of the...
This project maps war dead recoded by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission during the First World War. It's an attempt to quantify the price of the conflict and equate the scale to a contemporary...
How generous are the top 50 S&P 500 companies' 401(k) plans? Use our tool to compare plans and calculate how much money you would save under each company's plan.
The interactive visualization reveals the global evolution of trade agreements from 1948 until 2009. The tool not only displays the increase in the number of agreements and country connections over...
As T.S. Eliot said,
'Mankind cannot bear very much reality'.
His own answer was Anglo-Catholicism but what irrational beliefs sustain other people in the UK?
Everyone knows that American politics has become more polarised over the past quarter-century. In this motion infographic, the effect is shown visually—with troves of data, statistics and...
The food we buy matters. As our food systems become increasingly complex, the food we choose to consume affects not only our own health, but also the environment, our ethical framework, the Earth's...
An interactive tool to help you find the right meeting times with people around the world, the World Chat Clock visualizes for the overlay of office and stretch hours between cities. When left...
A wall chart taking the data for the FIFA World Cup 2014 in Brazil and creating a cohesive solution to present the data in wall chart format.
This featured every game that span around the inner...
Following the final drawing of World Cup 2014 participants last December, Bloomberg Sports assigned each national team a distinctive rating. BSports then simulated each match of the tournament over...
How the group of cyclists, known in the cycling world as peloton, went from a uniformly French, then European bunch, to a multicolored, multicultural, plurilingüistic mass later? The interactive...
Little did Horace Walpole imagine, when he gave his book The Castle of Otranto the subtitle A Gothic Story, that he would be transforming a perfectly harmless word (meaning ‘in the style of...
This visualisation shows the distribution of the 10,568,679 items on Wikipedia, sorted by type. It shows that Wikipedia describes 2,424,305 humans, 588,822 Chinese villages, 152,692 albums, and...
The first massive open online course, or MOOC, launched in September 2008 at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Via the web, anyone could attend the class on learning theory, and 2,000 people...
After the disappearance of Flight 370, readers had a hard time understanding how difficult the search for plane's black box would be. This graphic shows just how challenging the search is.
The work analyzes tourism in Piedmont, an Italian region, considering the attraction factors of the region and the evolution of tourist flows and accommodations. On the left part of the poster, the...
'First World War' is an ambitious interactive experience about World War I, created by Kiln in partnership with the Guardian's multimedia team to mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the...
What music do people listen to? How does their taste change with time? Where do new music styles come from?
A.Track.Tion is a data visualisation aimed at shedding light on these deep and...
Planet Earth is this solid thing you are standing on right now. In your everyday life you don't really waste a thought about how amazing this is. A giant, ancient, hot rock. How did it come...
How do creatives – composers, painters, writers, scientists, philosophers – find the time to produce their opus? Mason Currey investigated the rigid Daily Rituals that hundreds of creatives...
This interactive visualization is mainly aimed at the researchers and policy makers of two large Dutch medical research centers, AMC and VUmc. These centers recently started a large-scale research...
How does your region perform when it comes to education, environment, safety and other topics important to your well-being? This interactive site allows you to measure well-being in your region and...