Making the quantity of all human produced objects feasible which circulate around our planet might be difficult to imagine. So we built a storyline that picks up the subject from different...
The –metro –is a central component in the daily life of millions of Parisians. As a result, the official network map conditions the way commuters perceive time and space, as they tend to select...
How wide is the reach of the United States military? It's a difficult question to answer. In addition to active military operations, such as Afghanistan, the U.S. DoD owns, leases, or has a legal...
BBC Knowledge commissioned Territory Studio ( to produce an animated film on the subject of DNA. Three minutes is a short time to explore a subject where most doctorates only...
We analyse the characters played by every winner of an –actor/actress in a leading role' Oscar since 1928 to work out the parts which most reliably lead to glory. Historic South American criminals,...
In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers to reach the summit of Mount Everest. The graphic celebrates the milestone on its 60th birthday.
From his early silent films in the UK to his –golden years' at Paramount, Alfred Hitchcock returned to the same motifs and themes time and time again. Here we analyse some of these trademark...
This infographic is the visual representation of the 8th annual edition of the BrandZâ„¢ Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands. Using data collected by Millward Brown on behalf of WPP it helps to...
Every Noise at Once ( is an algorithmically-generated, audio-annotated, dynamically evolving map of the music genre space. It arrays the 700+ major music genres tracked (so far) by...
Experience the amazing story of how Apple created the iPod, iTunes, and other related products. Ten years of iPod and iTunes history in a magnificent looking radial chart, down to the last detail:...
Here I Go Again is a data visualization of myself and my daily habits over the duration of a week. For the entire week I documented various vital signs every half hour and recorded personal data... is a popular infographic creator. It enables anyone to make beautiful, interactive data visualizations in just a few minutes. Infogram is used by online media, schools, governments and...
The streamgraph shown on this page represents the evolution of Kantian lexicon throughout his philosophical publications. A hundred of the most important words, of the Kant's philosophical...
On the Board is a groundbreaking new initiative of The International Women's Forum (IWF) and The George Washington University School of Business (GWSB) that aims to change these numbers. On the...
We worked with the Iran Media Program to map a complex constellation of leaders and governing bodies involved in Internet censorship in Iran. It visualizes the relationships between different...
JWT's AnxietyIndex is intended to help brands navigate consumer anxiety. In times of heightened consumer anxiety, brands need data about the levels, intensity and drivers of consumer stress that...
In 2010 New York City added 54 million metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, but that number means little to most people because few of us have a sense of scale for atmospheric...
I wanted to map out the complicated and various notes, taste descriptions of wines and their food pairings. I created this to help me make better choices in bringing the right type of wine to...
The Bloomberg Billionaires Index visualizes a daily ranking of the world's richest people. The index is a dynamic measure of the top 100 billionaires based on changes in markets, the economy and...
The global health community has united behind the Global Vaccine Action Plan -- a shared vision and roadmap for the Decade of Vaccines -- to reach all children, no matter where they live, with the...
Urban World helps navigate the unprecedented global wave of urbanization. Users can compare GDP, population and household income for more than 2,600 cities worldwide, in 2010 and in one scenario...
This work visualises nearly 95 million casualties of war from the 20th century. Data made available by The Polynational War Memorial make clear that war was a near-constant characteristic –...
Visualisation of all fallen and found meteorites between 1900 & 2000. The graphic gives a special view on meteorite findings by comparing time and longitude on a radial axis. This kind of...
The Infinite Jukebox is a web app and visualization that creates a never-ending and ever-changing version of any song. The app works by using the The Echo Nest music analyzer to decompose a song...
This gas price ranking visualizes gasoline price data from 61 countries. The information is sorted by average fuel price and by pain at the pump, which measures the percentage of a day's wages that...
The best description of this work is found in a post I wrote here: