China’s Forbidden City in Beijing, remodelled today as the Palace Museum, is a mystical place full of wonderful stories. This full-page infographic uses data to visualise one such tale.
We looked at the Best Picture winners from the past 90 years and analysed the number of nominations in other Oscar categories that they received in that year (nominations, not necessary...
Analysis of Box Office trends, by Distributor, from 2011-2016. Reveals the rise of Disney and how the Star Wars and Marvel franchises helped them rise to the top of domestic box office ratings in...
700 years after Dante Alighieri's death, this digital humanities project celebrates, with a slow surfing site, the influence the Comedy has had on the world’s artistic heritage, inspiring millions...
Persistent deterioration of land, air, and water are largely invisible to the eye and camera lens. What if water could visualize its quality and perform the level of contamination? Ripple Effect is...
The four main characters of Seinfeld are known for their short-lived relationships and flimsy reasons for breaking up with someone (such as, “she eats her peas one at a time”). The relationships of...
An exploration of related principles in traditional arts and data visualization. I created this for 2022's Iron Viz competition for Tableau, and used public data from, MetOpera Database,...
An interactive visualization showing all of the members of Fleetwood Mac since they started in 1967 and all the albums they’ve produced in that period of time. The members are shown using a sort of...
The project shows a data vizualisation of all curse words and deaths used in recent Quentin Tarantino's movies, from Reservoir Dogs to Django Unchained. They are listed according to the time of the...
Seinfeld, a show about nothing, certainly had a lot going on...and a lot of recurring characters. In this visual, we break down all characters appearing in at least six episodes. And I guarantee...
This dataviz is aimed to classify the 26 copies from the missing original 'Beatus' over 4 CE. Please take time to think this over: our most valuable treasure (not just my opinion but lots of...
The infographic describes the British Library's daily newspaper archive in general and the development of British daily newspapers in particular.
The material consists of:
- A print,...
"Drawing Feelings" is a personal journey of finding my inside and outside worlds through daily drawings of objects that represent my feelings. World Inside represents how we feel in society...
Thangka is the unique fabric-painting art of Tibet, and few modern people know the origins and production processes of Thangka. I used the form of the temple city to explain the production process...
For this project, I focused on the process of developing compelling narratives using information and data, accompanied by techniques primarily associated with audience. The consideration of the...
Cantonese opera is a form of artistic expression that is almost a thousand years old. In Hong Kong there are theatres where operas are presented continuously, as well as there are annual events in...
How Humans and Machines Make Music is an educational and visual infographic explaining the steps taken to create and manufacture guitars. This infographic's design elements and photography are...
Beer is the most popular drink in Brazil. Its importance has grown more and more in the past few years and there has been a boom of new craft and industrial labels. This growing plurality...
An interactive SciArt installation which explores an idea of the plasticity of DNA of individual organisms, genes eco-responsivity, and a new sensitivity to and importance of the personal data...
Nanjing, an important birthplace of Chinese civilization, has the titles of "Ancient Capital of Six Dynasties" and "Metropolis of Ten Dynasties". It has a special status and value in Chinese...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an American TV series originally aired between 1997 and 2003. Too often, the show is not judged seriously, as many Young Adult fiction works. Yet, it is highly enjoyable...
85% of women on "The Bachelor" are younger than 30, compared to 60% of men on "The Bachelorette." Insider created a series of graphics that dive into the ages of the contestants on the world's most...
Language has two aspects - sound and meaning, and yet we don't tend to care about sound as much as we care about its meaning when using language. This project attempts to draw attention to sound...
What’s in Season is a digital seasonal calendar created to support responsible consumption in Spain. Most of the Spanish fruit and vegetable calendars include errors and therefore prevent citizens...
This interactive data-driven visualization aims to show the main mango varieties frequently consumed in Taiwan. Twenty three varieties are displayed in this visualization, and the user is able to...
We looked for famous people in six fields and matched each area with a representative colour:
1. Politician (data from Time), representative colour is purple.
2. Entrepreneur (data from Forbes...
The dataset encompasses information about various colleges affiliated with MIT University, including details about the diverse clubs present within each college. These clubs span a range of...