In the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic, a major contagious outbreak occurred, forcing the authorities to take restrictive measures for the population, such as the closure of schools, bars, and...
The Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford collated every government intervention made during the COVID 19 Pandemic. Visualising this data allows us to understand the timeline...
The COVID-19 Barometer is a data visualization series showing the trends and the situation of the pandemic with pixel visualization as its core.
We are one of the earliest non-profit forces to...
For the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic, I marked every siren, helicopter and construction noise I heard on paper. I charted it here, and included other sounds and events within earshot from my...
The war between human beings and viruses has never stopped. The tenacious will and scientific attitude allow human beings to win the final victory again and again. The work uses the expression of...
In the early weeks and months of the pandemic, reliable information was hard to find. Little was known about how to prevent transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, or treat people with the covid-19...
The project is about learning the design process and solving the problem through data. Being curious about online learning, I really wanted to research it. The inspiration was to study about online...
Every victim of covid-19 had their own joys and hopes for the future. Leslie Shapiro and I marked one million deaths in America from covid-19 by writing about one person who died each week of the...
In the early stages of the covid-19 pandemic, there were confusing and conflicting messages about how best to keep transmission rates down in public places. Should we wash our hands? Wear a mask,...
This visualization shows the symptomatic journey of 1 million COVID cases from diagnosis to the long COVID range of 16-20 weeks. At each 4 week juncture, a sankey treatment is used to show how case...
Can data visualization help you cope with confinement?
My name is Noemi, I am divorced and I am the mother of two children who, during the 2020 confinement, were 12 and 13 years old. This...
“Quaran.tiles” is the physical representation of a collection of expressive geotags created on Instagram in 2020 as a response to quarantines during the first wave of infections of COVID-19. Due to...
Which communities are the most vulnerable to COVID-19 and why? Where and how should we target resources or interventions to best mitigate the impacts of the pandemic? The Surgo Ventures Precision...
The COVID-19 pandemic was the central feature of news, politics and life in the UK for two years.
The animated bar chart (Tab 1) and suite of timeline charts (tabs 2,3,4) cover - through the...
“ZOOM-CALL-LOOK” Data Visualization Project focuses on the evolution and impact of the make-up usage and dynamics during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The whole project started by a data collection based...
Globally, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed lifestyles, personal habits, and created a deep chasm between “before” and “after.” We were interested in exploring how the pandemic affected people’s...
This piece was inspired by my personal connection to New York City, ambulances, and the sirens that populated my current home of London during the pandemic. I tried to create a soundscape that...
The project was done and published during my master program study at NYU Journalism Institute. In that semester, right after COVID first broke out in NYC, our cohort decided to create a web...
I spent a lot of time inside in 2020. A lot of people did. But when I started tallying up just how much time, I realized I was on track to spend almost half the year indoors. A bit shocked, a bit...
Communication is critical during a public health emergency like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But misinformation and rumors about COVID-19 and COVID vaccines, undermine efforts to keep people...
In the most comprehensive tracker of its kind, Reuters provided key information to the vaccine rollout and eligibility around the world. The landing page gives key information, allowing the reader...
The average person in the 1%* could afford 1,524,709 doses of Covid-19 vaccine. The average person in the 99% could afford 19,866 doses (1,504,843 fewer).
To visualise this, each syringe in the...
Let’s Breathe again after COVID-19 :
Dedicated data visualization to the goal of global resilience by recongnizing the serial risks to prevent in advance.
This data visualization is developed...
The Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS) monitors the development of coronavirus in Serbia and its impact on the lives of people since the beginning of the pandemic. Since there is...
Experts suggest it may take the development of multiple vaccines, and two doses of vaccine for each person, possibly annually, to begin the process of protecting the world’s population from...
The objective of this project was to communicate a complex, authoritative, and interactive public-facing chronology of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic, that showed the spread of...
It is Due Time for a Change - A Victory in Our Name!
Across countries and continents, for the young and the old, of all ages and sizes - let hope alight! The world has witnessed the doom and gloom...
It is my final assignment for a Master in Data Journalism and Visualization. The objective is to show how important data has become in Covid situation, the bias information could have, and the...
Reuters transformed printed Covid-19 case data into a slick, browser rendered animation of Singapore's explosive worker dormitory clusters. The piece documents and explains how and where clusters...
They were the first ones on the dance floor, the first in their families to immigrate to the United States, the first to lend a helping hand or words of support. Grandma, Pop Pop, Butterfly, Coach,...